09/18/16 04:36AM
Translator Seeking Editor for fruitful partnership
Hey all,

Working on a new translation project as we speak, which i'm looking to turn into a side-business of sorts (good for one job a month or less, depending on when i'm in the mood) to get some money for commissions or other things.

Right now i'm doing my own editing and man does it suck (not my editing per se, though other people could do better jobs of the minor redraws and touchups i'm running into due to un-bubbled text), so i'm looking for someone handy with photoshop or GIMP, who can do a little or a lot of redraws (i just wouldn't accept jobs that were too heavy on that, most of them are standard hentai manga/doujins where text is in boxes or bubbles, or CG sets where they have a textless version that makes editing a snap), who might be a partner in crime periodically.

Not for this job, mind, this is the one where i make my presence known, if fucking Doujin Moe doesn't snipe me like they did the last time i tried this author, and it's helping me learn the ins and outs of GIMP.

Am available to translate stuff for money here on the Hub too.

PS: the want-ad style of the title is a deliberate mimicry of Sirloin's thread about his FiM thing, yes.

Edit: you'd get to set your own reasonable rate, the price to client would be calculated between our two rates.
09/18/16 09:21AM
I sent you a D-mail let me know what you think.
09/19/16 06:22AM
Posted my thing up on e-hentai. Now officially open for business!

$1 to $3 per page depending on whether the text is hand-drawn and how much of it there is, more if you need editing help (which LillyTank has agreed to handle and that cut would go to them). $15 minimum for a job.

Dmail me here and i can set you up with my email.

I'll tell you now, too, most of the proceeds of this are going to fund Commissions on this site. I've had an eye to bring many a scene to life or just give some underappreciated characters some love. Others will go to the odd paypal-only vendors that i deal with (like my local Escape Room for some reason).
09/19/16 08:46AM
Ogodei-Khan said:

I'll tell you now, too, most of the proceeds of this are going to fund Commissions on this site. I've had an eye to bring many a scene to life or just give some underappreciated characters some love. Others will go to the odd paypal-only vendors that i deal with (like my local Escape Room for some reason).

The rest will be going to commissions on Saimin Booru... ... that it is... if I make anything at all.

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