09/19/16 02:22AM
The Jel Gif I made
So far, I have received at least 10 people asking me to make individual gifs for each girl. And most of you guys have asked very nicely! (save for one guy on DA who was an absolute entitled prick and yelled at me because "all I do is commissions" and didn't cater to his needs)

So here's the deal.

Firstly. the commission belongs to Dwarfhunter along with the characters. I'd have to ask him first to use his characters beyond what he asked for.

Second. The girls do not perfectly loop with the kaa eyes. I'd have to animate the needed frames to make each pic loop properly which is VERY frustrating to do because Kaa eyes are the most evil thing to animate. They aren't super hard per sey, they are just super easy to fuck up and even harder to loop nicely. And that's a headache to do

Third, if I DO animate them separate. I just don't have a whole lot of time to do it for free. I have other comms to get to, and with the death of my main rig, I am hard pressed for cash.

I could possibly get to it. But I would rather get someone to help me. I'll contact a few friends like P.chronos and see if I can bug him to help me out i I get the time, because he'd be the guy I'd trust to make these separate gifs look nice and special, rather than just a straight up separation of the main file.

Oh and the first person to upload a manip of the gif is going to have to put up with me. I've had one person tell me they wanted to just break up the gif themselves. Please don't mess with an animation that took me a lot of work and time to finish. When I get the time and permission I will try to make a superior product, just be patient.
09/19/16 02:26AM
You are great person for making this post.

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