09/21/16 01:14AM
How about a spot of chess?
I've seen and heard so much to do with chess recently, that I decided I should invite people to play some chess. Basically, I'm just going to post links for chess games in here and the first person to join can play, I guess. I suppose other people can use this thread for their games to, if they want.

Here's a link to the game I just opened: multiplayerchess.com/#!/b79l97m6ba1c
09/21/16 01:22AM
JksAccount said:
I've seen and heard so much to do with chess recently, that I decided I should invite people to play some chess. Basically, I'm just going to post links for chess games in here and the first person to join can play, I guess. I suppose other people can use this thread for their games to, if they want.

Here's a link to the game I just opened: multiplayerchess.com/#!/b79l97m6ba1c

Nice,but i will practice for a while.
09/21/16 01:23AM
No1 said:
Nice,but i will practice for a while.

I wouldn't bother. I don't have a bloody clue how to play, really...
09/21/16 01:27AM
JksAccount said:
I wouldn't bother. I don't have a bloody clue how to play, really...

Chess can be a difficult game, but fundamentally it is quite simple as well ^.^
09/21/16 01:44AM
So, the first game may have finished (I'm not sure, as there appears to be a 5 min timer for making moves and Ashurath appears to have went AFK) so here's a link to another: chessapp.com/#!/b79ly9xv1si6

EDIT: I said appears twice and that makes me sad...
09/21/16 01:45AM
JksAccount said:
So, the first game may have finished (I'm not sure, as there appears to be a 5 min timer for making moves and Ashurath appears to have went AFK) so here's a link to another: chessapp.com/#!/b79ly9xv1si6

My fault

09/21/16 01:46AM
Pinkanator said:
My fault

Eh, its fine. Not your fault there's a timer on here I can't seem to switch off...
09/21/16 01:55AM
Yeah, I'm way, way outta practice.
09/21/16 01:56AM
GG Joanie. Next game is up: multiplayerchess.com/#!/b79m7nip4383
09/21/16 01:58AM
JksAccount said:
GG Joanie. Next game is up: multiplayerchess.com/#!/b79m7nip4383

On my screen it was you who timed out so I was like "ok gonna talk to pinky now"
09/21/16 02:06AM
09/21/16 02:07AM
Dammit dammit dammit. I would've won if not for that time limit. GG my deranged friend.

In any case, the next game is up here: multiplayerchess.com/#!/b79mge26vnka
09/21/16 02:09AM
i noticed that you took a while to play your moves. in timed chess, instinct beats planning
09/21/16 02:09AM
crazyman said:
i noticed that you took a while to play your moves. in timed chess, instinct beats planning

You played a baffling set of moves... I had no idea how to respond to a few...
09/21/16 02:27AM
damn 5min are not enought for a serious play.
1 2345>>>

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