09/25/16 03:29AM
So, about that new MLP episode today...
This show has skirted around the topic of mind control off and on for quite a while. But it was always kind of mild. From Discord "discombobulating" the ponies into a state where their aspects to their personalities were negatively reversed, to an episode where they actually end up in a brainwashing camp (no seriously, it actually happened).....

The show has finally gone full on mind control with an entire episode, titled "Every Little Thing She Does" today, that's completely dedicated to it, and the effects are absolutely astounding. Almost exactly the kind of thing that GOT me into mind control for the longest time.

In a nutshell, former villain-turned-goodpony, Starlight Glimmer (who has actually tried to MC the main ponies in a decidedly more sinister way once before already), instead turns to using certain magical spells that most of us, i'm confident to say, would probably kill for, in order to get her now-friends to easily comply with her to help achieve a lesson from her mentor and main character of the series Twilight Sparkle.

Except she takes SEVERAL mind control spells, and combines ALL of them. To superb effect.

This episode is seriously a Mind Control tour-de-force. It contains:

* Wide eyed, blank stares.

* A trigger phrase to get them to obediently follow.

* Mindless, entranced gazes off into the distance.

* The obliteration of common sense when told to perform simple tasks they take too literally, or interpret wrong.

* dream-like, drawn out, vocalizations about how happy they are to do as they're told and think what to think.

* lots of "Yes Starlight Glimmer..."

* One of the arguably sexiest ponies, Rarity, actually literally SAYS "....what ever you want to have in my mind, Starlight Glimmer." (oof, that one was really nice. I've not heard that in a mantra before. Even I might have to include some variant of that sometime. ;) "

* Multiple instances of them not knowing or being able to comprehend what's going on around them, which is a definite thing i've always loved with things of this nature. Such as standing around mindless while Fluttershy is covered in bugs, or Pinkie Pie effortlessly floating around entranced in a flood of water.

* Though the majority of the episode, they just seem to be lost in this state halfway between a Happy Trance or a Stepford Smile. Content, yet seemingly happy, but clearly unaware where they are or what they're doing, with brain functions operating on "mashed potato" setting.

In short, as someone who isn't even particularly turned on by ponies, but just likes the show for what it is, there was so much goodness in this episode and they were just so cute and adorably out-of-it and sleepwalkingly complaint through it, and their thousand yard stares were so lovely, even I couldn't help but adore every part of this.

This is one of the best depictions of mind control hypnosis in a kids cartoon i've seen, and i've seen a LOT.

Whether or not you're even a fan of the show, this episode is seriously at least worth a watch.

09/25/16 03:32AM
Lol, just posted this in the "Mind control scenes in Anime/Western" threads.

I hope to see plenty of fanart uploaded soon.
09/25/16 03:34AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
Lol, just posted this in the "Mind control scenes in Anime/Western" threads.

I hope to see plenty of fanart uploaded soon.

Ah whoops. Didn't mean to step on anyone's toes by making this it's own thread.

And yes, please. Lots of fanart of this would be lovely.
09/25/16 07:16AM
KarmaX said:
Ah whoops. Didn't mean to step on anyone's toes by making this it's own thread.

And yes, please. Lots of fanart of this would be lovely.

Haven't seen the show but this sounds great.

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