09/29/16 09:59AM
some idea for a hypno dex

long, The Good Black wave made a hypno-dex ...
and I want to go back to back to the topic ...
I want to know, all Oc the community has created ...

if you have an OC with hypnotic powers; let me get a note to my DA

with all possible information

hace tiempo, El buen Black wave hizo un hypno-dex...
y yo deseo volver a retomar el tema...
con todos los Oc que la comudiad ha creado...

si tiene un OC con poderes hipnoticos haganmelo llegar por nota a mi DA

con toda la información posible
09/29/16 10:08AM
Zatara666 said:
some idea for a hypno dex

long ago, The Good Black wave made a hypno-dex ...
and I want to go back to revisit the issue ...
with all the comudiad Oc created ...

if you have a hypnotic powers OC with a note let me get my DA

with all possible information

Any idea on what she mean?

List of all OC?

09/29/16 10:19AM
Nazwa said:
Any idea on what she mean?

List of all OC?

"Some idea for a hypno-dex.

A long time ago, the good Black--Wave made a hypno-dex, and I want to go back to that topic. I want to know all OCs the community has created. If you have an OC with hypnotic powers, send a note to my dA with all possible information on them."
09/29/16 10:23AM
thanks Herr Mindwipe

sorry for my bad writing

T nT
09/29/16 10:52AM
Zatara666 said:
thanks Herr Mindwipe

sorry for my bad writing

T nT

It was readable enough for me. I just cleaned it up a bit.
09/29/16 11:17AM
Where can we find this older "Hypno-Dex"? Anybody know, or is it lost in the void of the past?
09/29/16 11:46AM
bullet said:
Where can we find this older "Hypno-Dex"? Anybody know, or is it lost in the void of the past?
09/29/16 12:32PM
Sounds fun. Is a DM OK for those of us with DA accounts?
09/29/16 01:05PM
Mindwipe said:
It was readable enough for me. I just cleaned it up a bit.

woah. i just realized that what i read the first time around was a bit wrong... strange i read it so easily though. it seems clear as a blank sheet of paper to me.
darn no OC for me... sorry
i has no creativity .n.
good luck/buena suerte! : )
09/29/16 07:21PM

Thank you for the link!
10/09/16 04:10AM
Ah, memories~.
I still occasionally think about what a Hypnodex 2.0 would be like... and lament the fact that the original is so painfully outdated. X)
I'm excited to see what another artist can do with the idea, and if there's interest for such a project in the modern landscape. =)

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