10/05/16 12:13AM
Art Requests
Does anyone here take requests?
10/05/16 12:27AM
Yes and no. There will be times where some artists will ask for requests, but ya usually gotta wait and see when they put themselves out there. Otherwise comms are usually the main way of getting something made (Pen will be doing some cheap ones tonight if you wanna take advantage of it before the offer's gone)
10/05/16 11:52AM
I'm up for suggestions all the time. That being said there won't always be a guarantee that I'll do them due to lack of interest, time and skill (currently).

The only thing I'd ask is that your ideas have a lot of thought put into them and are special to you. That way there's more of a likelihood that I'll make the connection and have the willingness to draw something for you as a response : )

Feel free to toss me a suggestion in a dm. : )

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