10/06/16 05:42AM
Egarashinai Pixiv Suspended
So this happened:

For those who don't know, Egarashinai is a Japanese hypnosis artist who is blacklisted on the hub by their own request.

Now it seems they've been suspended from pixiv. (How do you even do that!?)

I'd like to ask if anyone's been saving the recent drawings of Egarashinai? I neglected to save them myself because I never thought they'd be suspended.

Also what does this mean for their being blacklisted?
10/06/16 05:56AM
As far as I understand it, being blacklisted comes from an artist making a request not to have their art here. Being banned from Pixiv wouldn't change that.
10/06/16 08:41AM
Egarashinai being blacklisted from the Hub was the result of a rather heated conversation between him and Mindwipe a while back. It wasn't pretty.

Either way, he ended up agreeing to Vanndril's offer to have him placed on the Do-Not-Post list.

Him being suspended from Pixiv is news to me, but it won't have any effect on his DNP listing.
10/06/16 10:00PM
Dreamshade said:
Egarashinai being blacklisted from the Hub was the result of a rather heated conversation between him and Mindwipe a while back. It wasn't pretty.

Either way, he ended up agreeing to Vanndril's offer to have him placed on the Do-Not-Post list.

Him being suspended from Pixiv is news to me, but it won't have any effect on his DNP listing.

Can you recount how the conversation went? I'd like to know for closures' sake.
10/06/16 10:11PM
LillyTank said:
Can you recount how the conversation went? I'd like to know for closures' sake.

As I recall someone posted a few of his images and the guy was having a melt down in the comments and Forum, accusing us of stealing his stuff and making money off it. I think he might have threatened legal action at one point as well, however Mindwipe was able to get him to calm down by agreeing to put him on the DNP list.
10/06/16 11:38PM
EoD said:
As I recall someone posted a few of his images and the guy was having a melt down in the comments and Forum, accusing us of stealing his stuff and making money off it. I think he might have threatened legal action at one point as well, however Mindwipe was able to get him to calm down by agreeing to put him on the DNP list.

Japanese people are REALLY aggressive about this sort of thing. They HATE having their stuff uploaded in places that they don't know about. They consider it basically piracy and Japan at large is very antipiracy.
10/06/16 11:50PM
WhyWouldYouDoThat said:
Japanese people are REALLY aggressive about this sort of thing. They HATE having their stuff uploaded in places that they don't know about. They consider it basically piracy and Japan at large is very antipiracy.
Still weird because Dojinshi is a thing.
10/07/16 12:33AM
MaDrow said:
Still weird because Dojinshi is a thing.

Aye. Weird about a guy complaining about his unapproved Pokemon porn images being "stolen."

The counterpoint would've been to ask him if he was cool with us forwarding his work to Kyoto.
10/07/16 12:48AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
Aye. Weird about a guy complaining about his unapproved Pokemon porn images being "stolen."

The counterpoint would've been to ask him if he was cool with us forwarding his work to Kyoto.

I mean... Somebody's own artwork is still their artwork, no matter the subject matter. If they prefer for it to not be reposted without their permission, they're in the right to ask for it to be taken down.

Now, their way of going about that whole process is a whole nother debacle according to these past stories...
10/07/16 01:03AM
EoD said:
As I recall someone posted a few of his images and the guy was having a melt down in the comments and Forum, accusing us of stealing his stuff and making money off it. I think he might have threatened legal action at one point as well, however Mindwipe was able to get him to calm down by agreeing to put him on the DNP list.

He...did know that nobody is making money off of hosting the images here, right? Nor were they claiming his artwork as their own. Sounds like he was just using the threat of litigation to intimidate. Don't know a lot about international copyright law, but it seems like he had no case against the site. Still, it would've cost money, so I don't blame Mindwipe for taking such action.
10/07/16 02:41AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
I mean... Somebody's own artwork is still their artwork, no matter the subject matter. If they prefer for it to not be reposted without their permission, they're in the right to ask for it to be taken down.

Now, their way of going about that whole process is a whole nother debacle according to these past stories...

The point is that these people build their skills off of a copyleft environment. It's a touch hypocritical to start defending their intellectual property when it isn't even entirely theirs to start with.
10/07/16 03:28AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
The point is that these people build their skills off of a copyleft environment. It's a touch hypocritical to start defending their intellectual property when it isn't even entirely theirs to start with.

I'm not saying he's totally innocent; just that if your work turns up someplace else, even if you don't own the IP, you're still in the right to request it to be taken down without permission. And while yeah, things are very much different in this day and age, there have been quite a lotta subject matter, and ideas especially, replicated, remixed and/or remade in a lotta different mediums (this one being an interesting example I saw in Spain:)

So as far as ownership goes to this day, I still find to be really spotty in a number of cases (videos on YouTube as another ridiculous example), but alas, that's a whole 'nother talk for another time.
11/26/16 09:37AM
so I just found out about this myself and I I'm honestly kind of shocked how thorough he was with getting his stuff off the web. It's not just pixiv but almost every major hentai image hosting site (and even a few obscure ones) have almost all his work deleted. Even freaking goggle search brings up nothing in the image tabs.

I'm pretty sure most of us here weren't able to save anything recent but I just want to know what prompted this mass deletion of his work? If he was moving to someplace new then we would've noticed by now. Did he have some kind of breakdown and decided to torch everything?
11/26/16 07:49PM
Sol420 said:
so I just found out about this myself and I I'm honestly kind of shocked how thorough he was with getting his stuff off the web. It's not just pixiv but almost every major hentai image hosting site (and even a few obscure ones) have almost all his work deleted. Even freaking goggle search brings up nothing in the image tabs.

I'm pretty sure most of us here weren't able to save anything recent but I just want to know what prompted this mass deletion of his work? If he was moving to someplace new then we would've noticed by now. Did he have some kind of breakdown and decided to torch everything?

could be parental influence. that happened to a hub user once. shame too, because that users work was REALLY good imho
11/27/16 03:28AM
Does anyone have a collection of their work they'd be willing to share? I've never seen their work and now I'm curious..
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