10/08/16 08:44AM
I'd Like To Improve (Drawing)
Hello Everyone,

I am here to make a shameless request. I can't draw to save my life but I've seen people improving on this site after asking for help.

I want to be a good anime artist but I have little skill as it stands. I'd appreciate any and all help given so please don't hold back.

Thank you.
10/08/16 09:05AM
DM me whatcha got. I'm pretty new to drawing, so my advice might only be enough to help you get started lol.
10/08/16 11:05AM
LillyTank said:
Hello Everyone,

I am here to make a shameless request. I can't draw to save my life but I've seen people improving on this site after asking for help.

I want to be a good anime artist but I have little skill as it stands. I'd appreciate any and all help given so please don't hold back.

Thank you.

As far as trying to become a "good anime-artist," seeing as it would just be best to try and nail basics, then find your style. The kinda art out there tends to attempt that sorta stuff (imo) tends to reach for style, yet ends up having wonky proportions in the end. Whatever you post in this forum (like I've done with Kracko) I'm fine with giving feedback when need be. Just please do attempt what we suggest, seeing as that didn't go over so well with a certain user... .____.
(I'm still bit salty just cause Kracko almost quit cause of his stubbornness...)
10/08/16 11:58AM
What Collar said is spot on. Get the basics of anatomy down then move on to a particular style. Here's a good tutorial on the basics I've used but the most important things IMHO are to just start drawing. Show it to artists. Get advice. Repeat
10/08/16 12:00PM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
As far as trying to become a "good anime-artist," seeing as it would just be best to try and nail basics, then find your style. The kinda art out there tends to attempt that sorta stuff (imo) tends to reach for style, yet ends up having wonky proportions in the end.

Basically This.
Much Emphasis on this piece of advice from RCBC. The goal of "Drawing anime" isn't necessarily Bad, but try to keep it away from current focus, if you really want to improve fast.

Focus on familiarising your self with human proportions, you could start by watching some tutorials online or maybe looking at some images from life and sketching them.

I suggest you make it a goal to draw everyday, make it a habit. Even if you only get to draw a couple shapes, just keep drawing. I think its important for one to create the habit, and then eventually it will become a desire/need to draw more often.

Whether it be A post on the forum or a DM if your not really that confident, i'll be delighted to have a look at your work and give feedback.
10/08/16 02:10PM
Actually, I'd say start with perspective first, then move to anatomy and proportions. figuring out how to 'build' the space your drawing take place in (even if it's an empty space) would help you considerably with posing and foreshortenings and other pitfalls that often fuck up a potentially decent work.
10/08/16 03:21PM
Rotem_Dishon said:
Actually, I'd say start with perspective first, then move to anatomy and proportions. figuring out how to 'build' the space your drawing take place in (even if it's an empty space) would help you considerably with posing and foreshortenings and other pitfalls that often fuck up a potentially decent work.

This. Even if you know all about human proportions, if you aren't able to represent them convincingly in 3D space, you're still fucked. I'd suggest you find a .pdf of "Perspective Made Easy" by Earnest Norling, as it's a very helpful guide to basic perspective. Then work on constructing human bodies with perspective in mind.
10/08/16 07:47PM
You need to draw. Every. Single. Day.

Doesn't matter how busy your day is, find some time to draw. And I do mean every single day.
10/08/16 09:15PM
Thanks for your help, everyone. I have another question. I draw digitally almost exclusively.

What advise would you give to someone who wants to make digital art step by step?
10/08/16 10:11PM
LillyTank said:
Thanks for your help, everyone. I have another question. I draw digitally almost exclusively.

What advise would you give to someone who wants to make digital art step by step?

Do it a lot, don't be afraid to show people, and don't be afraid of criticism. Honestly just go ham on a tablet for a few hours each day, trying some lessons from books, advice given from others, watchin a lotta streams. Shameless self plug :
Come by and watch a bad artist. Other than that, a lot of streaming threads go up from like penken (who's back on monday or something), gguy123 (an absolute beast), and... others, cause those 2 are like the only ones i pay attention to.
10/08/16 10:13PM
LillyTank said:
Thanks for your help, everyone. I have another question. I draw digitally almost exclusively.

What advise would you give to someone who wants to make digital art step by step?

What drawing program do you usually use? ^^
10/08/16 10:37PM
DisasterDan said:
Do it a lot, don't be afraid to show people, and don't be afraid of criticism. Honestly just go ham on a tablet for a few hours each day, trying some lessons from books, advice given from others, watchin a lotta streams. Shameless self plug :

What does "go ham" mean? I do think I'll be checking out your stream. :-)

geekgirl8 said:
What drawing program do you usually use? ^^

I solely use Manga Studio 5. :-}
10/08/16 11:00PM
LillyTank said:
Thanks for your help, everyone. I have another question. I draw digitally almost exclusively.

What advise would you give to someone who wants to make digital art step by step?

I mean you're still capable of doing so digitally, but do you at least have a tablet to draw with at all? Also for curiosity sake, what sorta programs are you using?

Other than those two things, the one thing I'll tell you to take advantage of when working digitally is to really pick out great references and then sample varying colors from them. If you look at my work (while not the best examples I have on the Hub...), i try to use a variety of colors that really go well together as far as variations.

Seriously tho, as we all said:
Get started, perhaps open up a twitter account or tumblr or something with a link here to keep us updated. It's the only way we can try our best to help ya out when it comes to feedback.
10/08/16 11:14PM
LillyTank said:
What does "go ham" mean? I do think I'll be checking out your stream. :-)

Goin ham is when you get in there and you goin crazy and all dat and you gettin hype!
More seriously, it's just a shitty term for getting excited while doing a thing.
10/08/16 11:15PM
DisasterDan said:
Goin ham is when you get in there and you goin crazy and all dat and you gettin hype!
More seriously, it's just a shitty term for getting excited while doing a thing.

Come on, back to the Wooliehole.
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