10/09/16 03:53AM
Please help an abused sub cheer up a little..
I am pretty new to being hypnotized myself, so I went on Omegle with all good expectations (yeah, you see where this is going). Sometimes it was fun, sometimes it wasn't but all of the time it made me want to come back again. However, there is one case that makes me feel really really bad. And you guys are the only ones I can talk to about it, so please listen:

I was offering myself as usual on omegle, hoping to find interestening masters to play with. I have had many good experiences, like Darkray or Dystopia69 coming from here (you guys are the best ^^). However, this time it was different. The guy used my trigger right off the bat and began commanding me. The problem is... I find that very arousing. So I went along with it. And although I clearly stated at the beginning "no pictures" he made me send a few nudes to him. As I woke up I tried to talk to him a little about consent and how both of us can have consensual fun. But he did not respond anymore... Please guys, I am devastated, there is some random asshole out there with a few of my nudes...

Good thing is, I did not show my face or anything else besides my body and neutral ground. So, I hope nothing bad will happen. Do you think this will backfire on my reallife? I know, I know, why even trust strangers on Omegle, kinda dumb in the first place. It was just such a huge turn-on,being controlled by a stranger but now... I am thinking of quitting being a Hypno-Sub but that would mean "quitting" my beloved fetish... I am so scared, please someone hug me..
10/09/16 03:56AM
I'm so sorry that happened to you. :( I don't know if this helps, but I'll offer you a big Internet hug!
10/09/16 03:57AM

We're here for you. I don't doubt each of us subs have had a bad experience once in a while. What happened was shitty. Disgusting. But we'll help you through.
10/09/16 04:00AM
That's awful tht someone would take advantage of you like that. Most people here are more then willing to do what we can to give you some support if we can.
10/09/16 04:08AM
I'm glad you avoided showing anything too incriminating, at least. I'm sure it still sucks just knowing someone has those though.

I don't know how most subs go about things, honestly. I would think finding a trustworthy dom or two is better than taking chances with random people but it does seem like there's less supply than demand. >>; If you do choose to continue I hope this doesn't make trancing more difficult for you in future though.
10/09/16 04:08AM
Oh wow, that's pretty awful. It's unfortunate that people have to be careful because of bad apples like them. Uhh, I don't know what I can do for condolences other than internet hug like geekgirl and pink, so *hug* The hub is here for ya
10/09/16 04:10AM
Thanks guys, really means a lot to me. I.. I just couldn't get there are Hypnolovers out there who are straight up evil. I mean "learn from it"... yeah, I guess its good that now I know. Thank you so much for your support

Pinkanator said:

geekgirl8 said:
I'm so sorry that happened to you. :( I don't know if this helps, but I'll offer you a big Internet hug!

Bobbette said:
*hug* The hub is here for ya

*hugs back*
*cries a little*
10/09/16 04:17AM
Why would somebody do this to someone? Hypnosis is about trust, so please take care whom you trust. I seriously cant believe somebody would take advantage of trust this bad.

Btw, if you want to know a trusting community, look up sleepychat, that place is way more safe. And yeah, fuck him, that's really freaking disgusting.
10/09/16 04:51AM
I second the recommendation for Sleepychat, those are good people who police predatory behavior strictly. I don't know if it will help, but you might try conditioning yourself to naturally and safely transition out of trance if you find yourself with someone who crosses your boundaries, or find a trustworthy hypnotist to do that for you.
I'd also like to offer that I think you should try not to worry about the pictures. I'm sure it must feel gross knowing he has them, but realistically, the odds of it coming back around to you are extremely minuscule, even if there had been more defining characteristics visible. So... try not to beat yourself up or stress over it too much.

Take care, and stay safe~. Don't ever mistake being a sub for being a victim.
10/09/16 10:07AM
Oh God. I am so sorry... That's.. That's just awful. Please stay safe and know you're supported *hugs you* I sent you a message.
10/09/16 10:17AM
Sorry to hear you had that kind of experience. The problem with something like Omegle where you are randomly grouped with people anonymously, is that they often don't feel accountable for anything they do because they'll never see you again if they upset you.

Sleepychat would probably be better if you want to meet people at random; abusers get banned there, so although you can be anonymous still, there is accountability.

*offers hugs* I hope this doesn't put you off enjoying your fetish. I know at least one person who did get put off by a bad experience and it's always sad to see someone become unable to enjoy something they used to love. :(
10/09/16 10:41AM
We're all here for ya, my friend.

But most of what I have to say has already been touched upon. I may not be involved much in the actual set up sort of thing, but I hope that some dick head taking advantage of your old times gets what is coming to them.

Wishing you all the best, and if you need anyone to talk to/yell at/ whatever else/we/(I especially) am always open. I/we may not be able to answer for the sins of all those who would take advantage of you, but I hope a bit of talking/helping out where I can can help you wherever you feel uncomfortable in you're setup in stuff can make you feel a bit more comfortable in your given/accepted role.
10/09/16 10:43AM
Hope seeing everyone here wishing you well is helping some. I've been here for a while and can say most of the users are good people and feel so sorry for what you went trough.
10/09/16 11:32AM
Yeah, thank you guys. Feeling better now. I know what happened is still shit but well, cannot change anything about it. Thank you for being there for me, it really makes me feel a lot less awkward and alone ^^
10/09/16 11:37AM
SubbySaschi said:
Yeah, thank you guys. Feeling better now. I know what happened is still shit but well, cannot change anything about it. Thank you for being there for me, it really makes me feel a lot less awkward and alone ^^

Hope it doesn't turn you off to the Hypno community as a whole, and it is most definitely not an absurd fear if it's happened to you at this point. Like I said, if you ever need someone to yell/vent at as a whole, let us know and we're more than happy to accommodate you. Some people are just dicks, and you can't help it, hope that impression isn't what you come away with at the end of your interest with the Hypnosis community. We get why you may not feel completely comfortable in this situation given what's happened to you at this point.
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