10/09/16 10:51AM
(In Progress!) CYOA - The Quest for the Hero's Fruit
Firstly, I'd like to thank EdgeOfTheMoon for leading me to this program. Secondly, with, I'm creating my first interactive MC story game, called The Quest for the Hero's Fruit.

Synopsis: You play as Amanda Finn, one of the most strongest and bravest heroes in the kingdom of Landor. Unfortunately, you lost it all with the sting of the Vulnerabili-bee. Now, you must use careful decision-making in order to survive your journey and regain your invulnerability, via the Hero's Fruit, which is hidden deep within the Surebu Forest, inside lies monsters that kidnap helpless girls who walk in, only to never return.

I'm currently working on it and thank you for suggesting the mind control monsters for this! I would also like a proofreader for when I release the full thing. I'm also gonna release early versions of this game when I decide to, which will be incomplete versions.
10/09/16 10:54AM
Plant girls for sure.
10/09/16 11:15AM
Imasuky said:
Plant girls for sure.

Plant girls, cat girls (this one is good for switch, they got eyes to stare and stare upon, but can be distracted), slime girls (think of all chemicals they can create), sirens (harpy-like variation. Song), Mermaids (siren, water variation. song), shroom girls (more potent spores than plant girls, but no nectar)
10/09/16 11:20AM
Lamias seem almost obligatory alongside the plant girls in a forest.
10/09/16 11:26AM
Bobbette said:
Lamias seem almost obligatory alongside the plant girls in a forest.

Said GM who put lamia in cave. :P


Also, Beegirls. They already exist in your world, after all.
10/09/16 11:33AM
I'm always a fan of a just as (if not MORE) clever version of the PC(s) in this sort of situation.

A "rival character" for the player to try and pull ahead of is always a good motivator for getting them to be just that slightest bit more inventive with what their powers entail if that rival is willing to be a bit "dirtier" than the more straight laced protagonists.
10/09/16 12:39PM
Definitely plant girls. Cat girls would work too, as would lamia, beegirls, and spider/moth/butterfly girls. Maybe a tribe of corrupted all-female wood elves that want to bolster their ranks.
10/09/16 03:02PM
*cracks knuckles*

10/09/16 04:56PM
Looks like my question has be answered.

SlackerSavior said:
IA "rival character" for the player to try and pull ahead of is always a good motivator for getting them to be just that slightest bit more inventive with what their powers entail if that rival is willing to be a bit "dirtier" than the more straight laced protagonists.

I'm actually thinking about doing that. In fact, I was thinking that rival could bring the Vulnerabili-bee to bring the main character to a disadvantage but does the same to them as well.

I would also like include pics because, as much as I'm entirely good at making descriptions of characters, but I'm still an artist noob.
10/09/16 11:25PM
A pack of wolf-girls/boys could be good, this guys would be weak alone but with his tactics surrondin the girl waiting to the girl to be tired would be a challenge, also you could make the wolfs to have a weak pheromone and a howl that make the girl go to a direction, if only one wolf make the howl the girl could ignore the call but if all the whole pack make the howl the girl would have no choice that go to the pack
10/10/16 02:19AM
Don't forget the spookier side of things -- ghosts, banshees, and other spirits could all be able to get their hooks into an intruder's mind.

The forest could always have a witch's hut or a wizard/sorceress's tower somewhere deep inside, and either the magic-user in question or their many experiments (animate potions, soaring patterns of light, summoned creatures, transformed animals...) could be threats.
10/10/16 07:46AM
Abraxis said:
Don't forget the spookier side of things -- ghosts, banshees, and other spirits could all be able to get their hooks into an intruder's mind.

The forest could always have a witch's hut or a wizard/sorceress's tower somewhere deep inside, and either the magic-user in question or their many experiments (animate potions, soaring patterns of light, summoned creatures, transformed animals...) could be threats.

I agree with ghosts,they should be extremely dangerous,but they would only appear on certain areas
10/12/16 06:00PM
Currently working on the game. Speaking of which, I was wondering if any of you would like to be my editor for the story.

They will be credited for their assistance and will have instant access to future games that I will be making as the official editor of the stories.

Let me know if you are interested.

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