10/09/16 10:49PM
How to make friends in a small town?
So, today's the day I move into a new town to assist in taking care of my grandparents for about a year- now, I've been in this town growing up often enough to know that it's basically a ghost town with mostly old people and poorer than usual college students, but since I'm older than the average college student, I feel I don't have enough in common with the younger half to easily connect with anyone.

So, what's an introverted late-20s guy to do when you don't know anyone in town who isn't a family member, and there's not much of an online presence in any of the major social networks? I'm seriously scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for ideas, and could use any suggestions I might have missed

Ideas I've considered:

Become a regular at the local card/comic shop
Join a gym
Scan bulletin boards for classes and activities

Wow, I could have sworn I had more than 3 ideas before I listed them out- see what I mean? If anyone has any ideas that I might have overlooked, feel free to share
10/09/16 10:52PM
Usually, on the blue moon I go outside, I'll buy something and I might end up talking to the guy about it. Rare mind you. My heart fucking pounds when I go buy stuff.
10/09/16 10:57PM
Something tells me this fetish attracts a lot of introverts. Good luck. :P
10/09/16 11:00PM
Pastel-Daemon said:
Something tells me this fetish attracts a lot of introverts. Good luck. :P

Is it weird that I'm an introverted extrovert?
10/09/16 11:03PM
Pinkanator said:
Is it weird that I'm an introverted extrovert?

only in the mental gymnastics it takes to picture what you could possibly mean by that.
10/09/16 11:05PM
ShadowSeraphim said:

Ideas I've considered:

Become a regular at the local card/comic shop
Join a gym
Scan bulletin boards for classes and activities

Actually, those are terrific ideas! Become a regular where groups of people tend to be, so you're bound to meet and talk to someone. :)

10/09/16 11:09PM
Rotem_Dishon said:
only in the mental gymnastics it takes to picture what you could possibly mean by that.

Well, I love being th centre of attention, being everyone's friend and talkingggg

But people scare me, and I pretty much just stay home.
10/09/16 11:23PM
There are social hobbies you can take up. I go to a firespinning group quite often and there are board games clubs. I find those people to be very welcoming
10/10/16 12:27AM
For your situation, I recommend starting up a recreational club of sorts, if one doesn't exist already.

I tried starting an animation club when I was in a similar situation. It never went anywhere but I'm sure if you can get people to be more interested than I did, you'll probably achieve better results and meet people who have similar interests.
10/10/16 01:27AM
I heard mass mind control can be useful in situations like this. Seriously though, I think ye most I ever talk to people face to face outside of education would be at the Karate class I go to. So yeah, make/join some kind of club and you should meet people with similar interests.
10/10/16 09:16AM
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
There are social hobbies you can take up. I go to a firespinning group quite often and there are board games clubs. I find those people to be very welcoming

And sports,sports never fail.
10/12/16 07:51PM
I recommend the internet.

But on the off chance you want more face-to-face human interaction you could maybe join/start a boardgame club? Just spitballing.

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