10/10/16 01:25AM
The source code for hypnohub is gone
the link to the github for myimouto now gives a 404. Doesnt matter that much anyways since the projects been dead for a few months lol. I found another git repo that gets updated quite frequently github.com/Yushe/myimouto-plus
10/10/16 01:30AM
I read the title for this thread and I thought you meant the site was collapsing or something. Glad to see that isn't the case.
10/10/16 01:31AM
JksAccount said:
I read the title for this thread and I thought you meant the site was collapsing or something. Glad to see that isn't the case.

It already is colasping. No ssl, outdated software.
10/10/16 01:36AM
endgame said:
It already is colasping. No ssl, outdated software.

then you better take this down before someone finds out from this and takes over the site.
10/10/16 01:37AM
crazyman said:
then you better take this down before someone finds out from this and takes over the site.

And thus, Awakehub was born.
10/10/16 01:39AM
Pinkanator said:
And thus, Awakehub was born.

#NotMe #WasBusyFallingForSophia
10/10/16 01:41AM
Ashurath said:
#NotMe #WasBusyFallingForSophia

Yes you were ^w^

Also, it'd be a shame if hypnohub went down .-.
10/10/16 02:04AM
Itd be goddamn depressing if we lost the hub.
10/10/16 02:18AM
inb4 OpenHub
10/10/16 02:54AM
Inb4 Saimin booru... :P
10/10/16 04:23AM
crazyman said:
then you better take this down before someone finds out from this and takes over the site.

lmao kid. 5um got hacked and ytcracker didnt tell anyone that the site was outdated and look what happened to that.
Scrapers exist, its not hard to search the entire web for vulnerable shit
10/10/16 05:49AM
endgame said:

What are you, 15?
10/10/16 06:34AM
SomeCallMeSalty said:
What are you, 15?

22. Hbu?
10/10/16 06:31PM
Why would the lack of SSL be a problem here?
Are you aware that SSL alone isn't enough to keep one safe since there's things like cache injections?
Did you never hear of heartbleed a few years ago?
You'll never be safe on the internet, ever. You can sit there on behind your VPN, and TOR and someone who wishes you harm, will still be able to do you harm.
How do you think the admin behind Silkyroad got caught? :') By legal means, or by someone hacking the node?

You're making retarded claims about this site collapsing, yet you're not talking about the shit that matters.
Don't start a mass hysteria, kid.
10/10/16 07:14PM
smhtbhfam said:
Why would the lack of SSL be a problem here?
Are you aware that SSL alone isn't enough to keep one safe since there's things like cache injections?
Did you never hear of heartbleed a few years ago?
You'll never be safe on the internet, ever. You can sit there on behind your VPN, and TOR and someone who wishes you harm, will still be able to do you harm.
How do you think the admin behind Silkyroad got caught? :') By legal means, or by someone hacking the node?

You're making retarded claims about this site collapsing, yet you're not talking about the shit that matters.
Don't start a mass hysteria, kid.

You are right about how you can never be safe on the internet. But you cannot deny the fact that this site uses outdated software. Also the founder of the silk road got caught because he had a really shitty opsec.
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