10/12/16 05:57PM
Hypnosis 18+ Discord Chat
Hey Guys and Girls (and animals, and robots, demons, conceptual beings, cosmic containers, whatever)!

Maybe you're looking for a fun, ethically aware, safe place, to be tranced, give trances, learn about hypnosis...or just hang out? A place to ask questions, post memes, and grow?

Check out The Dragon's Den. it's an 18+ Discord server, ran by yours truly, and I'm looking to connect more with the hypnohubian community, at large.

I'm in there daily, and whether you're a newbie, just trying to learn more about your fetish...or you're a seasoned veteran of the recreational hypnosis scene, and you're looking for fresh faces...give us a try! click the link below, pop in, and say hi to everyone! I'll do my best to help you feel right at home, or your money back guaranteed!!! ( ^∇^)

10/12/16 10:20PM
Lookie here, another hypnosis Discord. Nice to see another one popping up.
10/12/16 10:40PM
Another hypnosis chat room? There are so many of them now, the community is split off in tiny parts.

I should make one universal chat room for everyone to use! xkcd.com/927/
10/12/16 10:42PM
Is it really split into tiny parts, though? Not counting my own server, I'm in four hypnosis-related servers, and know of one or two others that I ended up leaving because they never seemed to have anything interesting happening. You're not limited to just one server :P
10/12/16 10:46PM
MilesHypnoPrower said:
Is it really split into tiny parts, though? Not counting my own server, I'm in four hypnosis-related servers, and know of one or two others that I ended up leaving because they never seemed to have anything interesting happening. You're not limited to just one server :P

I was only saying that for the purposes of making a joke, really.
07/02/17 06:40AM
The link seems to have expired. Would you care to update it?
07/02/17 02:32PM
is there a room for roleplay?
07/06/17 06:04AM
The invite has expired.

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