10/13/16 09:31PM
Looking for a particular manip, but I can't seem to find it.
The manip was one of an angel girl, I believe. She was topless for sure. She might have been bottomless, but the image didn't show that much.

It wasn't one of those "benevolent" manips like I used to create, either. I'm pretty sure that she was a tricky one - went for the trust first, then the submission and trance.

Her hair was short - roughly neck length. However I can't remember the color. It may have been either blue or orange.

Does anyone know which picture I'm talking about? It isn't under "angel_girls", but I know that there were angel-esque feathers or something like that about her.
10/13/16 09:35PM
Might want to think of which tag combinations might describe the picture best. It could help you narrow it down. For instance, you know at least topless will be a tag, do you remember their expressions, hair colors, eye colors, or any other taggable details?
10/13/16 09:40PM
Waaaaaaaaaait a second, I recognize that username.
10/13/16 09:42PM
Changer said:
Might want to think of which tag combinations might describe the picture best. It could help you narrow it down. For instance, you know at least topless will be a tag, do you remember their expressions, hair colors, eye colors, or any other taggable details?

Not quite. It was only one girl, who may or may not have been an angel.

I'm suspecting that the creator might have deleted it for whatever reason, but I felt that it had been good. I was hoping that somebody might remember it and have more details, so I could feed them into Google - which, somehow, has access to even deleted manips.
10/13/16 09:46PM
EoD said:
Waaaaaaaaaait a second, I recognize that username.

That's rather surprising. I'm nobody special, and it's been a long time since I left.
10/13/16 10:57PM
Welcome back, LOlivia. The only image that comes to mind would be <<|this one>>, though I'm not sure if that was what you were looking for.

Regardless, I would like to point you to our <<|Hunting Thread>> which is designed to help situations just like this.

Locking this now.

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