10/14/16 08:46PM
Hypnosis Visual Novel Project that i'm working on
Hey everyone so for those of you who don't know i'm currently making a hypnosis visual novel called Hypnotic Student Infiltration of Kuro Highschool. The game is being coded in the python programming language and in free visual novel engine ren'py. As i'm currently learning C++ Programming at my college. Now at moment the game doesn't have a hypnosis scene in it because i haven't gotten to that scene yet, also the game will not have any hentai elements in it because i wanted to see how good of a hypnosis themed game i can make without hentai elements in it. But i will say this in the game you will be hypnotizing 4 different girls:

Saki Itsuka (the player's childhood friend and nextdoor neighbor)
and 3 others who i havent named yet.

Here are notes about the game:
The story follows Flayer Yu (the reason for the strange name is because at the beginning you are given small character customization, and you asked to name your character. And whatever you name your character that is what characters in the game call you) Yu is genius highschool student, with good looks. In fact he could get any girl he wanted with those looks if he wanted to but despite this he is still bored with world. He feels like he is just going through the motions of everyday life. Then one day he finds a book on his doorstep called The Art of Hypnotism: A Step by Step Guide to Hypnosis. Bored and interested, he decides to test it out on Saki. Who he easily hypnotizes. He then decides to use this new power at school. Now he has a choice to make he can either use it for good and help people, or use it for evil and control people. How will you use it the choice is yours.

As you can tell from above the game has a hero route and a villain route. In the hero route you will be using hypnosis to help people and having the option of ending up with Saki or another girl who i havent named yet. In villain route you will be using hypnosis to control people and having the option of ending up alone or having a harem.

A couple of things you may notice about the sprites:
1. The poses of the sprites look identical to the Fate/Stay Night visual novel sprites the reason is because i used the fate/stay night sprites as an anatomy drawing reference having the fate/stay night sprite open on my computer and digitally drawing my sprite in another window.
2. The sprites has shaky lines, the reason is because i made these sprites awhile ago and ive been the paintbrush tool up until now. I will be using the line tool from now on so the sprites will improve

Another thing you may notice is no VA because i don't have anyone who would be willing to voice characters however if your interested in voice acting characters let me know and we can discuss it.

Also silverkazeninja made the mainmenu image was well as the protagonist drawing for customization menu and i've been doing everything else. So right now im the only one working on the game which is why it takes forever for me to release a demo. I'm almost done with the next demo release though, but if you want to try out the most recent demo release you can find it below:

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