10/16/16 02:59AM
The OVERMIND battle royale project
Hello Hypnohub!

This thread is meant to gather Hypno enthusiast willing to spend some coin on a Massive tournament featuring a clash of all our favourite doms together!

Spread the word and let's make this Happen!
10/16/16 06:48AM
Lol hey whisper I was going to make this thread lol. Oh well, yes please do, I think this could be pretty awesome. We'll figure out the details as more people express interest!

For those of you who do t know what this is, we sort of came up with an idea for big pic featuring the many different doms of the hub duking it out to sit on top of the pile of hypnotized losers! They will also get all our favorite subs as prizes as well, like Erica and hypno tan or anyone else.

What I'm thinking is that if you have a character that you would like to see then you pay their "entry fee" basically the price of a character in a commission for Sebastian. Once we have about 20 maybe a little more, characters in the battle then we'll send the commission and the money to Sebastian and he'll draw it up for us. After that, we shall create a poll featuring all of the doms in the pic and you the hub members will vote for who you want the winner to be. This victor will be drawn in their chosen victory pose.

We haven't set this stuff up yet but this is essentially the basic idea that I had anyway. If you would like to offer up your favorite Dom, be they your character or you willing to pay for them please feel free to make the suggestion here as well as provide what you would like their entrance music to be for just a bit of fun!

And example from myself would be: Kaa'lin! Her entrance music: m.youtube.com/watch?v=uR_2MMar0s0

Hope people at least get a kick out of this and hopefully we can make this pic a reality if we all pitch in as like a big community project!

Once again, no rush to this, it'll be a little bit as we get it set up and figure out how to make all the stuff work and get Sebastian the money or if he'll even take the commission! So it's just something to think about and have some fun with at the moment!
10/16/16 08:45PM
The rules are as follow as of yet.

Every character has to be a femdom, preferably with history on the hub, and will be featured in the tournament.

Everyone is free to pool their money to finance a character, so feel free to get together!

Eventually i will help financing to, and if they are interested, perhaps Roxa and Soldatte may contribute.

It can be a really awesome set of pics, and everyone can help make it better!
10/17/16 01:31AM
mariosonicfan said:
... to sit on top of the pile of hypnotized losers! ...

You misspelled 'throne'.

Anyhow, if this actually happens, I will sponsor QuillSpawn.

<<hypnohub.net/post?tags=quillspawn_%28madamkistulot%29+|Her credentials>> (okay, so those are just my drawings of her... ^^;)

<<madamkistulot.net/Stories/SilverGirl/ISP.html|Her actual credentials>>

<<youtu.be/CJ-cY66w7WU|Her entrance theme>>
10/17/16 01:34AM
Rotem_Dishon said:
You misspelled 'throne'.

Anyhow, if this actually happens, I will sponsor QuillSpawn.

<<hypnohub.net/post?tags=quillspawn_%28madamkistulot%29+|Her credentials>> (okay, so those are just my drawinga of her... ^^;)

<<madamkistulot.net/Stories/SilverGirl/ISP.html|Her actual credentials>>

<<youtu.be/CJ-cY66w7WU||Her entrance theme>>

10/17/16 01:54AM
Pinkanator said:


Well, only when she's at her most blatant.

But still yes.
10/17/16 01:56AM
Rotem_Dishon said:

Well, only when she's at her most blatant.

But still yes.

Yo, dat's pretty hot.
10/17/16 02:01AM
Pinkanator said:
Yo, dat's pretty hot.


You don't say...
10/17/16 02:03AM
Rotem_Dishon said:
Anyhow, if this actually happens, I will sponsor QuillSpawn.

Ooooooooooooooooh, I remember her.

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