10/20/16 07:17AM
I am the endgame
I am a 21 year old systemadmin. Everyday i look out the window, puff a cigarette and think about my Dad. Man I fucking miss him. 7 years ago, I went to jail. For what I will not say here, but he didnt show up. He was gone; I searched high and low, he wasnt even at his moms house(where he usually hangs out because hes unemployed and a drug addict). The hammer went down, and I was found legally insane. Ever since then I formed my plan to become endgame. He was just an idea in my head, but now he is my main alias, my flesh. My bone. He is the chaos in my life. With evil going through his veins, he would never power-trip as much as Henry. "Oh you posted personal information, bannu!!111!!!111". I can feel the sentient adrenaline flowing through his hands, cigarette crumpling in his mouth like a rhodesian dictator. "Why wont the people just follow my order?" He would cry, as he bans another person for posting about how their life is awful and they need someone to talk to. "Why cant they just accept justice?". "No, it cant be me", he would think aloud, looking at the poster of Karl Marx on the wall. "The blood of the Bourgeoisie must flow, Henry" the poster said to him, mind to mind. "You must take control of the forums from the".. Karl paused for a moment, and the photo appeared to be cringing at the sound. "real livers. They must be wiped out!". Henry snapped back to reality, taking another person who wanted to discuss what they do in real life, banning them for 2 weeks. Groping his computer keyboard in one hand, he typed out they keyword on the terminal. "/ban endgame 2w :Private matters". With a swift hand, he pressed enter and laughed to himself. "The Bourgeoisie will learn not to fuck with me!"
10/20/16 07:23AM
endgame said:
I am a 21 year old systemadmin. Everyday i look out the window, puff a cigarette and think about my Dad. Man I fucking miss him. 7 years ago, I went to jail. For what I will not say here, but he didnt show up. He was gone; I searched high and low, he wasnt even at his moms house(where he usually hangs out because hes unemployed and a drug addict). The hammer went down, and I was found legally insane. Ever since then I formed my plan to become endgame. He was just an idea in my head, but now he is my main alias, my flesh. My bone. He is the chaos in my life. With evil going through his veins, he would never power-trip as much as Henry. "Oh you posted personal information, bannu!!111!!!111". I can feel the sentient adrenaline flowing through his hands, cigarette crumpling in his mouth like a rhodesian dictator. "Why wont the people just follow my order?" He would cry, as he bans another person for posting about how their life is awful and they need someone to talk to. "Why cant they just accept justice?". "No, it cant be me", he would think aloud, looking at the poster of Karl Marx on the wall. "The blood of the Bourgeoisie must flow, Henry" the poster said to him, mind to mind. "You must take control of the forums from the".. Karl paused for a moment, and the photo appeared to be cringing at the sound. "real livers. They must be wiped out!". Henry snapped back to reality, taking another person who wanted to discuss what they do in real life, banning them for 2 weeks. Groping his computer keyboard in one hand, he typed out they keyword on the terminal. "/ban endgame 2w :Private matters". With a swift hand, he pressed enter and laughed to himself. "The Bourgeoisie will learn not to fuck with me!"

if i post more personal information, do i get a longer ban?
I live in Fairfax City, VA. I am a white male, and I used to walk my dog up to the local pool during the summer
10/20/16 07:36AM
I don't think I've ever seen a more beautiful protest to the rules. While this remains open I think I'll throw my own two cents in and say that based on many of the threads over the past few months that I've seen closed, I would personally favor thread closing be handled by reporting/vote similar to images getting flagged and deleted. There are plenty of threads that I've seen that seem to me to be welcomed by all and very active...until a mod shows up and closes the thread on a technicality that nobody that's taken part in the discussion cares about or would have invoked. While moderating the forums is a very good idea...it just seems like you're taking out the good along with the bad and leaving the forums very bland and unmemorable instead of a warm, welcome place to be.
10/20/16 07:37AM
There is the Vent Thread that is meant just for talking about stuff like this.
10/20/16 07:55AM
Imasuky said:
There is the Vent Thread that is meant just for talking about stuff like this.

Read the thread (((Henry))) made
Its not allowed, period
10/20/16 08:00AM
endgame said:
Read the thread (((Henry))) made
Its not allowed, period

I shouldn't be naming names, as much as I really fucking wanna (I'm sure some of ya can take a wild guess who), but I just don't see this one guy getting suspended for some of the shit I see being pulled. Maybe warnings are being issued behind the scenes, but I just keep seeing a new forum post that goes against the (new) rules, and is instantly locked or deleted right away. And yet still this keeps on persisting, so idk about any bannings that supposedly happen as a result of this... .____.
10/20/16 08:05AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
I shouldn't be naming names, as much as I really fucking wanna (I'm sure some of ya can take a wild guess who), but I just don't see this one guy getting suspended for some of the shit I see being pulled. Maybe warnings are being issued behind the scenes, but I just keep seeing a new forum post that goes against the (new) rules, and is instantly locked or deleted right away. And yet still this keeps on persisting, so idk about any bannings that supposedly happen as a result of this... .____.

Also doesn't help that, as I alluded earlier -- I would almost bet cash that if the mods polled the regular users whenever they closed a thread or banned somebody that 90% of the time the public opinion would be against the actions they had already taken. But it's sure hard to protest a thread getting locked when you're threatened with a ban or something similar to open a new thread to say something as revolutionary and shocking as "I don't think you should have closed this thread", isn't it?
10/20/16 08:05AM
I'm not sure what happened between you and Henry, but publicly on the forums (and especially in this manner) is not the right place to discuss this. Message Vann about your problems and/or discuss directly with Henry himself.

Regarding what you wrote Miles, the two types of threads that were being locked most often were the ones that were inciting drama/flame wars, and ones where 'excessively private matters' were the topic WITHOUT the prior approval of Henry (because they did not bother to read the rules).

This might be a result of not having any rules before, and the forums slowly attracting a number of users who find certain kinds of threads to be welcoming. Should that be changed? Maybe, and you could probably start a thread about discussing forum rules (like the thread about adding new tags), but keep in mind that these very kinds of posts are off-putting to others in the same way that disallowing them are off-putting to you.

I would also like to remind you that venting and shitposting each have their own thread, and it's not like we are disallowing it period.

Anywho, locking now.

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