10/21/16 07:03PM
A question directed toward Henry
Is the increase in enforcement of the Forum rules meant as a way of preventing the clutter that would ultimately arise from an unenforced forum with the popularity that the Hypnohub forum is beginning to obtain?
10/21/16 07:40PM
Once I get a reply, feel free to lock this thread. I'm simply curious, is all.
10/21/16 08:44PM
Forum Rules said:
Threads directed at a single user are not to be posted.

Yea... So I think it'd be wise for you to delete this post, because you may be on your way to receiving one of those punishments :/

Send a message using the Dmail system instead. ^^
10/21/16 09:10PM
...You couldn't have just sent this to him as a DMail? You really had to make it a forum topic?
10/21/16 09:19PM
Well, Henry is the mod who's specifically increasing the enforcement. As such, he's the one to ask about the specific reason why.

Also, I haven't ever used the DMail feature, and this was quicker than spending 5-10 minutes trying to figure it out. (Specifically which dropdown (the stuff that lead to specific parts of Hypnohub that are at the top of the page) is the one I go through to even get to the DMail system... So, sorry for "breaking" that rule.

Honestly an answer from any of the mods would be great, but Henry is the one "spearheading" the enforcement, so that's why I "directed" it to him.
10/21/16 09:23PM
Anon_3.141 said:
Well, Henry is the mod who's specifically increasing the enforcement. As such, he's the one to ask about the specific reason why.

Also, I haven't ever used the DMail feature, and this was quicker than spending 5-10 minutes trying to figure it out. (Specifically which dropdown (the stuff that lead to specific parts of Hypnohub that are at the top of the page) is the one I go through to even get to the DMail system... So, sorry for "breaking" that rule.

Honestly an answer from any of the mods would be great, but Henry is the one "spearheading" the enforcement, so that's why I "directed" it to him.

Easy way to get to it, click on someone's username. 'Send message' will be at the bottom of the resulting page.

I mean, it's redundant now, but at least you'll be able to send messages to people in the future.

10/21/16 11:12PM
C+P'd from my Dmail to Anno

The increase in forum rules and their enforcement is due to issues arising from several users causing problems over the last few months, as such the rules were tightened up while still leaving an "out" for people who wished to post personal topics in the form of getting approval for the thread. People either didn't read the updated rules (which are stickied and therefore I don't have any sympathy) or simply chose to bypass them. Warnings have been issued using the Dmail system as it's not a public spectacle when someone gets in trouble. People have continued to violate the new rules and as such, disciplinary action is being taken.

Hugs and kisses-
10/24/16 06:26PM
...Hugs and kisses, Henry"

The whole post is entirely at odds yet somehow still fits your avatar with that tag being the cherry on top. 10/10

" People either didn't read the updated rules (which are stickied and therefore I don't have any sympathy)"

Ooer... I better go find that post...
10/25/16 02:46AM
Honestly, I feel there hasn't been enough enforcement. The boiling point hit and things have been improving but we're still in a pretty shitpost filled environment which is frankly embarrassing to be around.

I'm sort of hoping that things will even out sooner than later and this will be a chill atmosphere with enough maturity to match the content.
10/25/16 03:02AM
ZeldaIsHot said:
I'm gonna make my mark before it gets locked.

What happened to not getting noticed, you dead maymay?
10/25/16 04:30AM
Henry-killenger said:
C+P'd from my Dmail to Anno

Me? D:
10/26/16 09:57PM
Anno1404 said:
Me? D:

I think he meant to put Anon, not Anno.

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