10/24/16 05:16PM
Show off your OC!
I bet some of us have an OC, so I'm curious, who/what is your OC, started this thread so people could show em off. Go wild!

Well, here's mine; fav.me/d95ch7f

Ediara! Shy girl, vulnerable to hypno, rich and so on. I have some more, but she is my main OC XD So, what/who is your OC

10/24/16 06:50PM
Eh, I'll throw mine in as well I suppose.

Trozu's one of three dryad sisters that live out in some enchanted woods, where nobody dares to trespass and face them and their powers. Kremtl-Sleph, a young Drow mercenary that's been on her own for so many years, was chased into those woods as to escape other mercs capturing her for the bounty over her head. Trozu finds the Drow collapsed from exhaustion next to a tree in her woods, and instantly wants to take care of this poor soul that's been on her own for so many years. Ends up taking her in and gives her the nickname "Kream," as she loves to both pamper and tease her new friend/lover. Kream gets kinda embarrassed when they're around her girlfriend's two sisters, but both of them are delighted to have her.

As far as "where's the MC?", all three sisters do have their own powers; Trozu's happens to be soothing scents that can "pacify" any subject and make them incredibly docile, or just completely remove any bloodlust. She loves using it on Kream as to make her become more bold toward being promiscuous, willing to roleplay, etc. Without being under those affects, she becomes a flustering mess so easily whenever Trozu tries to make an advance on her.


What's funny was how I originally wanted to simply have a pic featuring a dryad capturing + seducing a drow back in May, but over the Summer I had so much free time I ended up making them into a couple... :0
10/24/16 07:48PM
I'll only list the ones I mainly use. There's a couple of others on here and other galleries which I don't really use anymore.

Main one: hypnohub.net/post?tags=riley_weiss
Furry stuff: hypnohub.net/post?tags=jada_(riley) and hypnohub.net/post?tags=jaxus_kulkusirkka (same char, different genders)
10/24/16 09:23PM
Well here is my lovely lady Kaa'lin!


She likes to have fun most of the time, but don't mess with her too much, she might strike back at you!

AS long as you stay on her good side she'll play with you forever and ever and I promise you'll enjoy every minute of it.

10/24/16 09:26PM
mariosonicfan said:

AS long as you stay on her good side she'll play with you forever and ever and I promise you'll enjoy every minute of it.

*nose bleeds*

10/24/16 09:27PM
I really need to work on an OC.
10/24/16 09:30PM
Imasuky said:
I really need to work on an OC.

I keep running into the problem of how to make a mind control character not overpowered as fuck.
10/24/16 09:31PM
DisasterDan said:

I have one in mind but no cash to commission art of her.
10/24/16 09:35PM
Well, around here Kenny is my main OC when it comes to hypnosis: geekgirl8.deviantart.com/...snuggle-monster-619452173

He's a bisexual naga man who loves hypnotizing/seducing people into his huge coils, most of the time for some nice relaxing cuddles, but also for some steamy sensuous sex on some occasions. He's a mischievous and cunning creature but he doesn't mean any actual harm---he's very friendly for the most part, and he can also be very funny and charming. He also has a flair for the dramatic and loves breaking into song at a moment's notice--sort of like a Disney villain, except without all the evil that goes with it. Kenny's main hypnotic abilities come from his eyes, which are similar to Kaa's except different colors, but he does have secondary methods at his disposal, such as through coil massage and his voice.
10/24/16 10:50PM
hehe, man, this takes me back. At some point, I should probably write the MC story I had in mind a few years back...

Essentially, these OCs are a pair. The first is a young psychic who spent her formative years getting experimented on by sinister government forces. The other is a guy by the name of Duncan, who makes a career out of making potions and tanicures for wealthy addicts. Initially, he chose this life because of a life spent in utter hell because his mentor is an asshole, but over time, he began to find it really enthralling to mix and create new ways to illicit reactions from his clients, namely the female ones. His most popular products are aphrodisiac and "male enhancements," but sometimes, he gets really bizarre calls to make different potions.

One of these requests comes from a private military outfit, who seek to beef up their operations with a Psi-Ops group. Unfortunately, most psychics are hunted and arrested by government authorities. So, this group decides to take the same approach- find out where certain governments hide their psychics, and extract them. For this, they need something to deal with psychic anomalies, which is where Duncan comes in. He gets called in to construct and easily deliverable dose of tranquilizer darts that also neutralizes latent psychic abilities.

There's more, but I feel like the idea comes across...
10/24/16 10:59PM
Well, I have my WoW characters : hypnohub.net/post?tags=erzal_%28roxa%29+

And maybe this is more of a persona, but there's me now : hypnohub.net/post/show/41...e_eyes-hypnotic_accessory
10/24/16 11:05PM
Roxa said:
Well, I have my WoW characters : hypnohub.net/post?tags=erzal_%28roxa%29+

All alliance huh?
10/24/16 11:12PM
I finally managed to finalize my first OC. Her name is Mistress Velai. (pronouced vil-eye).



Personality and Background:

A very loving dom, she has compassion and love for everyone she meets.. and makes sure that they receive it. Can seduce anyone she encounters with her looks and her special power: Latex Touch.

She can create a special kind of latex at will and shape and mold it into any form she wants. When she's done with it, it stays in whatever form it takes, whether it be an outfit, a scuplture, a piece of furniture, etc.

The special latex she creates makes anyone who touches it with their bare skin incredible horny and susceptible to her control. However, the bigger or more complex the object, the more it takes out of her. If she uses Latex Touch too much without resting she will be completely exhausted and unable to use it until she rests for a bit.
10/24/16 11:16PM
DisasterDan said:
All alliance huh?

All of my 12 characters are in the Alliance. :3
10/24/16 11:19PM
Roxa said:
All of my 12 characters are in the Alliance. :3

Oh god another alliance player! Hell yeah man alliance for life my brother!
1 2345>>>

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