10/27/16 06:50AM
Jedi Mind Trick
Hi all! I have a recent hypnosis liking involving a Jedi mind trick. Basically it looks like this: Fast food clerk: That'll be $13.27, sir.
Customer: You won't be charging me for this food.
Clerk: I... won't be charging you for this food.
Customer: And don't skimp on the french fries.
Clerk: And I won't skimp on the french fries.
Customer: And you'll throw in some extra Beanie Babies. Thank you, drive through.
Clerk: Thank you, drive through!

So the affected character repeats what the person using the jedi mind trick says. More examples are here:

Unfortunately every example in this is a male character being affected, does anybody know any examples of something similar to this being used on a female character where she basically repeats the command like this jedi mind trick? Please let me know!
10/27/16 07:42AM
I vaguely remember seeing that in one of the expanded universe comics, but for the life of me I cannot remember where.

If you want some Star Wars MC in general, the Sith War saga has one or two females in a group getting brainwashed by the antagonist, though neither are human.
10/27/16 10:04AM
I remember in the KOTOR games, you could use the jedi mind trick on certain female characters during specific quests. However, the opportunities were few and far between and not particularly noteworthy.

In the Old Republic MMO, the main female companion in the Jedi Knight class story deals with resisting mind control from the Sith emperor, climaxing with her being forced to fight you at the end of chapter 1. It's resolved pretty quickly and not really satisfying from a fetish perspective though. (narrative wise, it was OK).
10/29/16 05:32AM
Here is one that is sexy and at the same time

10/30/16 10:48PM
Motorata said:
Here is one that is sexy and at the same time


That would be a PERFECT one if only the character being controlled was female. Know any very similar to that where the victim is female?
11/06/16 04:47PM

Skip to 3:13. This is basically exactly what I mean! But these types of scenes with females seem hard to come by. Anybody have anything similar to this in ANY type of series(comic, anime, live action, movie, cartoon, etc)?

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