10/28/16 05:17AM
Looking for a Doujin
Hey all, anyone able to help out? I remember reading a hypno Doujin a few months back (February?) that I found through some pages posted here. It was super neat, cuz it had the MC give non sexual suggestions before the sex happened. I dont remember much else other than super loving it, and it used heart eyes. Any idea?
10/28/16 05:18AM
Something like this belong in the Hunting thread


Sorry but can't help with the manga you want.
10/28/16 05:26AM
♧Club♧ said:
Hey all, anyone able to help out? I remember reading a hypno Doujin a few months back (February?) that I found through some pages posted here. It was super neat, cuz it had the MC give non sexual suggestions before the sex happened. I dont remember much else other than super loving it, and it used heart eyes. Any idea?

I'm going to assume you mean "Devil in your subconscious" since that pretty much fits the bill.
10/28/16 05:36AM
Agh, totally didn't see the hunting thread. Also, THANK YOU!!! That's exactly it. No clue why I couldn't find it, but man, I'm pretty happy ☆
10/28/16 07:24AM
The Hunting Thread is actually stickied, so you might've missed it if you got used to skipping over the list of stickied threads. Going to lock this now (you found what you wanted anyway) =P

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