10/29/16 10:42AM
Tips for getting hypnotized
Have asked a few times how to hypnotize, but now, I plan on playing upside down. I would love tips, and I also am kinda scared to start so, things to help me calm down and not run away would be lovely.
10/29/16 11:01AM
If hypnoporn has taught me anything, all you need to do is walk into a forest. In about 2.7 seconds SOMETHING will have hypnotized you. Be it Kaa, a flower, forest nymphs; the forest is just packed with hypnodoms.

On a more serious tone; find a hypnotist and get to know them. Once you know and trust them, it will be easier to let yourself go under for them.
10/29/16 11:14AM
Changer said:
all you need to do is walk into a forest. In about 2.7 seconds SOMETHING will have hypnotized you. Be it Kaa, a flower, forest nymphs

Trippy: or a trippy ^_^
10/29/16 11:41AM
As Changer said, just get to know the dom. Just netflix and chill or whatever until they're another one of the mates.

I find personally, as well, that a good trance is all about timing. It's best to do it when you're not too awake, but don't feel like going to bed, but not at the point where you feel like crap because of it. Because of this, the best trances can be rare, but hey, with a good dom, worth it.
10/29/16 11:41AM
Changer said:
If hypnoporn has taught me anything, all you need to do is walk into a forest. In about 2.7 seconds SOMETHING will have hypnotized you. Be it Kaa, a flower, forest nymphs; the forest is just packed with hypnodoms.

I am literally living a kilometer away from armageddon, I don't think any magic dom is going to come :P

Changer said:

On a more serious tone; find a hypnotist and get to know them. Once you know and trust them, it will be easier to let yourself go under for them.

I have already have one, but I am still so afraid, it's so annoying...
10/29/16 10:51PM
Remember that, no matter how we like to portray it here, hypnotism isn't magic. It won't force you to do anything you're uncomfortable with. You're not going to wake up as someone's slave or with your personality rewritten or anything like that. If your hypnotist were so unethical as to try it, your mind would tend to reject the suggestions pretty quickly, maybe even snapping you out of the trance with full memory.

Or are you afraid of what you'll want to do? If you're heavily inhibited (I know I am in real life), that can be tougher to deal with, the fear that you'll go wild. Probably the best thing to do about that is talk to your hypnotist about it. Explain what you're nervous about, and why. If they're any good, they'll be able to find ways to reassure you -- and you'll also have alerted them to the things you don't want to do when you're hypnotized, so they'll know not to go there.
10/30/16 01:14AM
darkray8 said:
I am literally living a kilometer away from armageddon, I don't think any magic dom is going to come :P

You live in Megiddo?
10/30/16 01:15AM
Rotem_Dishon said:
You live in Megiddo?

That was what I was thinking. Surprising to hear from there.
10/30/16 01:20AM
Imasuky said:
That was what I was thinking. Surprising to hear from there.

Well, I'm not that far from the place myself (which is partly why I was asking...)
10/30/16 01:28AM
Rotem_Dishon said:
Well, I'm not that far from the place myself (which is partly why I was asking...)

Really. I don't give much thought to where most other users come from, Kind of interesting to hear from somewhere so far from my home.
10/30/16 09:36AM
darkray8 said:
I am literally living a kilometer away from armageddon, I don't think any magic dom is going to come :P

Speaking as someone who is within driving distance of both Truth or Consequences (a real town name in NM) and Omega (Another real town name in NM), the dom's are out near Armageddon, we just don't have any signposts or landmarks to find our ways around.

Abraxis said:
Remember that, no matter how we like to portray it here, hypnotism isn't magic. It won't force you to do anything you're uncomfortable with. You're not going to wake up as someone's slave or with your personality rewritten or anything like that. If your hypnotist were so unethical as to try it, your mind would tend to reject the suggestions pretty quickly, maybe even snapping you out of the trance with full memory.

Or are you afraid of what you'll want to do? If you're heavily inhibited (I know I am in real life), that can be tougher to deal with, the fear that you'll go wild. Probably the best thing to do about that is talk to your hypnotist about it. Explain what you're nervous about, and why. If they're any good, they'll be able to find ways to reassure you -- and you'll also have alerted them to the things you don't want to do when you're hypnotized, so they'll know not to go there.

Abraxis pretty much hit the nail on the head here. The main thing to do is to be comfortable with your partner, trust them, and be able to relax. Relaxing can be the roughest thing to do if you're in your own head about the experience. Just communicate, let your partner know what works and what doesn't, and don't get too discouraged if things don't come to you right away.
10/31/16 04:23AM
Rotem_Dishon said:
You live in Megiddo?

Most of my friends are from there, i live near, but not there.

Abraxis said:
True stuff.

I guess I will, thanks, is there anything you would suggest to try for first time?
10/31/16 06:01AM
Honestly, I have very little experience with this in real life. But from what I do know, for the first time, you might want to do simple relaxation. Let the hypnotist put you in a trance, then bring you out of it gently without giving any suggestions while you're under, so you can get used to how it feels. Once you're used to it, maybe a visualization of a pleasant, relaxing scene (a tropical beach is popular, but it depends on your preferences), or something to soothe your day-to-day worries and anxieties. You probably shouldn't try for anything too intense or kinky the first time out, especially if you've been concerned about it. If you're really doing well, you might ask for a simple post-hypnotic suggestion, like forgetting your name or laughing on command or something like that, with the understanding that it'll be cleared before the end of the session.

Ultimately, it all comes down to your comfort level -- be aware of what you're comfortable with and how the session is going, and don't try to rush things. Better to spend a little too much time easing yourself into things than to dive in too fast and scare or traumatize yourself.
10/31/16 06:06AM
Alright, thank you very much ~

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