11/01/16 10:08PM
Lustful Lesbian Labyrinth, A Yuri based Rogue-like CYOA
Lustful Lesbian Labyrinth, A Yuri based Rogue-like CYOA

Table of contents

Sue Sincliar
Starts on page 1 Ends on Page 9

Hilda's First run
Starts on Page 12

Index of playable chracthers page 11

First of all, here is how the game works:

I have a number of events that I will pick from at random. When you encounter an obstacle, you will have a few different options on how to overcome it. Depending on your choice and your stats, you can have one of four outcomes:

Great Success - The best outcome; Gain 3 points to spend on stats

Regular Success - Gain 2 points to spend on stats

Failure - Some penalty that will depend on the nature of the challenge

Catastrophic Failure - Game Over

Each Stat can be raised to a maximum of 20; however, equipment can allow you to exceed the 20 point limit. In Events, these stats will determine success or failure:

Strength - Helps overcome physical challenges, such as fights or obstacles. Used against a foe�s Strength.

Charm - How well you can communicate with and persuade others. Can be used to seduce others, or convince them to leave you alone. Used against a foe�s Willpower.

Magic - Allows you to perform spells and identify items. Used against a foe�s Magic.

Willpower - How strong your desire for self preservation is. Determines how well you can resist the Charm of foes. Game over if this reaches 0.

Purity - Can determine the outcome of certain events.

Corruption - Can determine the outcome of certain events. Game over if this reaches 20.

Inventory - What items you are carrying. Each character is only capable of carrying three items.

Equipment - What gear you are wearing; it counts as separate from the Inventory.
You can equip 1 Weapon
You can equip 1 Armor
You can equip 2 Accessories

Here is the story, and start of the game:

For as long as any could remember, The Overlady and The Goddess had been at war with one another. The two had been in a stalemate for centuries, but recently, that has changed. Somehow the Overlady has gained the upper hand, and defeated the Goddess and cast her into a deep slumber. As such, she has sealed away nearly all of the Goddess's divine power. Naturally, the result of this is that the Overlady�s forces have spread unchecked, and are on the verge of conquering all of the world.

In an effort to appease her and save themselves your village has offered you as a sacrifice to the Overlady. She has sent one of her own carriages to retrieve you. There is no driver; it moves on its own. It is stocked with food and a bed. As you step in, you look back to your home village for what is very likely the last time in your life.

You are Sue Sinclair

Strength 5 (6)
Charm 5
Magic 5
Willpower 5
Purity 5
Corruption 5

Skill - Kind of Bland: Stats cannot drop below 1, nor raise above 10.


Dagger- Strength +1

An 18-year-old girl with light brown hair and matching eyes. Average height and a slim build, a medium B-cup, and decent hips. You are dressed in a plain white dress. As some meager attempt to apologize for what they are doing, the people of your village have given you a small dagger to at least allow you the comfort of a pretense of protection.

The trip to the Overlady�s domain has taken several days by carriage. As you draw closer to her lands, you can feel the corruption in the air, every breath makes your body feel hot and heavy. Your skin tingles and you feel flush. At long last the driver comes to a stop.

As you step out, you see the Overlady for the first time in your life. It is easy to see why she is the equal of the Goddess herself...the Overlady is easily the grandest being you have ever seen. A tremendous naga, she rests coiled in the middle of the road. It�s impossible to judge just how large she really in her relaxed pose, but it's clear that she is huge..

Her human upper half has bright red skin, almost glowing, and hair that is the deepest shade of black possible, like a swath of night sky cut out with all the stars removed from it. From the waist down, her serpentine body is just as dark, and it seems that the stars taken from her mane were placed here. Countless silver scales are placed throughout the impossible darkness of her body, twinkling and shimmering against their black neighbors to create a shimmering, scaled cosmos as her body.

She has four round, beautiful breasts, perfect C cups in proportion to her, but much larger from your perspective. All four divine tits are linked by criss-crossing chains made of gold and silver. As with her breasts, the Overlady also has four arms, each long and slender, but oh, so powerful! Her fingers have long claws, each painted a shimmering shade of silver.

As you look at her face you can�t help but marvel at the perfection of it, despite how different it is from a human...or perhaps, because of how different it is, for by transcending human features' limitations, she has achieved beauty beyond imagination. She gazes at you with unquestionable, magnetic authority from four eyes, one set placed atop the other. The two on top are each different colors. One is gold, the other silver...though they seem to swap every time she blinks. The lower two are the same black as her hair and scales. Her lips are painted that same deep black.

You almost want to say something, to praise her. It feels like the only natural thing in the world, the only possible response to such beautiful perfection. But before you can say anything, she begins to speak, and you know that letting out even the smallest sound before she is finished would be a terrible sin.

�Well, are not exactly the most interesting toy I�ve been offered,� she observes in a low, sensuous voice as she begins to uncoil and slide toward you, although most of her body is still resting in a neat pile.

�Not even worth showing up for...thankfully, I didn't,� She comments. �What you are talking to right now, you see, is just a single scale that I shed, and animated with a bit of magic. Much easier than getting up to inspect every little offering." She circles around you, examining your body. Your breath catches, and you tremble under the scrutiny of this sublime goddess.

She gently touches you with all four hands, caressing and pinching at you.

Some small, blasphemous, vile part of you hidden deep inside wants to smack her away, to scream, to flee...but the rest of you shakes with the desire for her to do as she pleases, and more. You want to look into those beautiful shifting eyes, you want to feel her huge, powerful body coil around you�

�But I suppose you�ll do for now,� she decrees, pulling away and coiling up again.

�You see, I�ve already got plenty of playthings. Even though I was fighting that stuck-up bitch for a very long time, I still had plenty of chances to snatch up plenty of girls,� she explains, cupping her chin with one hand. Two more go to her breasts, as her fourth and final hand drops down to her waist and begins to rub the scales, soon revealing her pussy, deep, glowing red like the rest of her skin.

Even from a few feet away, you can smell her arousal, a sweet, musky scent that makes your mouth water and your own pussy start to grow wet as well.

�And frankly, I�ve gotten kind of bored with just putting them under my control and fucking them. So I�ve set up a game,� she says with a grin. �And you are going to be the first person to play in it.

�Now close your eyes, and when you open�ll be in my maze. If you get out, I�ll let you go!� she says with a sharp clap of all four hands. �Doesn't that sound good? You get to return to the family and so-called friends who sold you out in a desperate attempt to save themselves!� She laughs.

�But once you are back, I promise that you and your village will be safe from me and my minions. You�ll just have to trust that I�m telling the truth about that, of course,� she says with a smile, showing off perfectly white and straight teeth, with two very long and sharp fangs.

�Now, go on..Do it..Close your eyes,� she commands.

As she wishes it, so you do.. You feel something change the moment your eyes are closed. The air is cleared of the hot, oppressive feeling. But there�s still a tingle of magic that makes your skin prickle.

Opening your eyes, you see that you are standing in a hedge maze, surrounded on all sides by tall, neatly trimmed hedges leading into corridors. This is it...

Which path do you take?
11/01/16 10:12PM
We go to the North, and seek out the D�nedain.
11/01/16 10:42PM
We have to go east, because that's where the sun lives.
11/01/16 10:57PM
The Witch King is North and Sauron is East. West lies Valinor. Go that way.
11/01/16 11:11PM
We go south cause I wanna be special.
11/01/16 11:13PM
crazyman said:
We go to the North, and seek out the D�nedain.

JksAccount said:
We have to go east, because that's where the sun lives.

Ogodei-Khan said:
The Witch King is North and Sauron is East. West lies Valinor. Go that way.

megahellreaper said:
We go south cause I wanna be special.

At this rate you might as well just start spinning so fast you tunnel into the ground,
11/01/16 11:15PM
Imasuky said:
At this rate you might as well just start spinning so fast you tunnel into the ground,

I didn't realise China was an option.
11/01/16 11:19PM
JksAccount said:
I didn't realise China was an option.

One night in Chyna
11/01/16 11:25PM
Imasuky said:
At this rate you might as well just start spinning so fast you tunnel into the ground,

Wait, troll logic can be applied here?
11/01/16 11:27PM
crazyman said:
Wait, troll logic can be applied here?

No just a joke about how everyone is voting differnt directions. Not that you have any clue what each path means....Yet maybe you'll find an item that will help.
11/01/16 11:58PM
Just so you know, I'm helping with conceptuals, and such, but I'm still in the dark on a lot.
11/02/16 12:01AM
Pinkanator said:
Just so you know, I'm helping with conceptuals, and such, but I'm still in the dark on a lot.

Cool. Now look at this shiny MacGuffin and tell us everything you know of the plot.
11/02/16 12:04AM
JksAccount said:
Cool. Now look at this shiny MacGuffin and tell us everything you know of the plot.

He knows nearly nothing. Other then a few things about bosses but nothing too useful other then what kinds of monster girl they are.
11/02/16 12:05AM
Pinkanator said:
Just so you know, I'm helping with conceptuals, and such, but I'm still in the dark on a lot.

<<| tapping X to resist>>
11/02/16 12:05AM
Imasuky said:
He knows nearly nothing. Other then a few things about bosses but nothing too useful other then what kinds of monster girl they are.

Darn. Oh well, I didn't really want to know anyway. Part of the fun is in the surprise.
1 2345>>>

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