11/02/16 08:59PM
Religious Debates
Does anyone know where I can find these? I've grown to enjoy reading and watching them transpire.

This isn't a trolling thread. While I wouldn't mind if people held debates in this thread, that is not the prime goal of this thread. The goal here is to find a place where such debates are held regularly. If you'd like to hold debates here I'd take great interest in it but it's not as though I'm asking.
11/02/16 09:05PM
Youtube. Doesn't happen nearly as much nowadays but some years ago, it was an extremely popular subject.
11/02/16 09:19PM
megahellreaper said:
Youtube. Doesn't happen nearly as much nowadays but some years ago, it was an extremely popular subject.

I know that. I've pretty much exhausted all of the youtube sources.
11/02/16 09:39PM
Play civilization 6. I made a religion that used the cancer constellation as the symbol, and named it "Happy Pinch Pinch Hands"
Then I beat the shit outta the catholics and protestants.

If you mean legit ass debates... yeah I got nothin.
11/02/16 09:41PM
DisasterDan said:
Play civilization 6. I made a religion that used the cancer constellation as the symbol, and named it "Happy Pinch Pinch Hands"
Then I beat the shit outta the catholics and protestants.

If you mean legit ass debates... yeah I got nothin.

Lol that is hilarious
11/02/16 09:42PM
DisasterDan said:
Play civilization 6. I made a religion that used the cancer constellation as the symbol, and named it "Happy Pinch Pinch Hands"
Then I beat the shit outta the catholics and protestants.

If you mean legit ass debates... yeah I got nothin.

Can I join this church?
11/02/16 09:43PM
DisasterDan said:
Play civilization 6. I made a religion that used the cancer constellation as the symbol, and named it "Happy Pinch Pinch Hands"
Then I beat the shit outta the catholics and protestants.

If you mean legit ass debates... yeah I got nothin.

I was born labelled cancer.
11/02/16 09:57PM
If you want to see religious in his best moment and you know spanish you must see Josue Yrion, he is a predicador that is famous in Latin America and he have some amazing quotes, i will try to translate it

``Pokimons the mosnter is deformation, is abnormal,is extravagant, is animal, is grotesque, is cruel, its causes Torment, is bloodthirsty, is perverse, is the one that pervert.´´

`` There is two types of epilepsia one that is disease and other that is DEMON´´ if souds weird in english don´t worry in spanish it also sound weird.

``If you play the nintendos (thats how he call the videogames in general) you are DE-MO-NI-AC´´ try to imagine it cry and waving papers in front of his audience

And here is a sub english of one of his best moments the one that said ``my people is lost for lack of knowledge´´ he is talking about pokemon and then he pulls out a Yugioh deck just watch it

He also has a lot of things more against Dragon Ball, i think that this guy just hate childres
11/03/16 12:18AM
Deus Vult. We will take back the Holy Land from the Saracens!!
11/03/16 12:28AM
Pinkanator said:
I was born labelled cancer.

Born Leo!
11/03/16 12:32AM
DisasterDan said:
Born Leo!

Same here.
11/03/16 12:41AM
DisasterDan said:
Born Leo!

Imasuky said:
Same here.

Weird, me too. >.>

11/03/16 12:48AM
11/03/16 12:51AM
i Was born Virgo but it seems that they changed the horoscope
11/03/16 12:57AM
I find religion to be a difficult topic to debate about. Most religions require some amount of faith, and since nearly every religion competes with the others, threatening divine punishment to those who don't convert, it becomes a very heated, very passionate argument rather than a deep, philosophical debate.
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