11/04/16 04:54AM
Pool "/" bug?
Is the fact that image pools with "/" in the title causes an error when trying to download the pool as a zip a known bug, or is that just me that gets that error?

If so, would it be possible to put in some kind of replace "/","whatever" statement to prevent it? Or prevent pool titles from having "/" to begin with?

Just a thought, I know i don't have the right to demand it be done or anything.
11/05/16 04:51AM
I would recommend <<hypnohub.net/dmail/compose?to=Vanndril|DMing Vanndril.>>
11/05/16 03:58PM
He did DMail me, but I figured I should mention this here, too.

This bug is news to me. I doubt I could do anything to fix it programmatically (I'll still look into it, though). I suppose the best thing I could do is get the word out that users should avoid using the / character in pool names.
11/06/16 07:15AM
Vanndril said:
He did DMail me, but I figured I should mention this here, too.

This bug is news to me. I doubt I could do anything to fix it programmatically (I'll still look into it, though). I suppose the best thing I could do is get the word out that users should avoid using the / character in pool names.

I think the issue is that the server is looking for a sub-directory. When clicking this link, hypnohub.net/pool/zip/147...%20Slave%20Haryudanto.zip. It's looking for the sub directory Ranma%201
Probably the best way to fix it is to replace any "/" in the download links with "%2F", because replacing the / between the 1 and the 2 with %2F works perfectly
11/07/16 03:51AM
trainboy2019 said:
I think the issue is that the server is looking for a sub-directory. When clicking this link, hypnohub.net/pool/zip/147...%20Slave%20Haryudanto.zip. It's looking for the sub directory Ranma%201
Probably the best way to fix it is to replace any "/" in the download links with "%2F", because replacing the / between the 1 and the 2 with %2F works perfectly

That was my thought too, which is why i suggested a replacement, i just wasn't sure what the right code(the %2F you said) was.
11/07/16 04:24AM
GJT0530 said:
That was my thought too, which is why i suggested a replacement, i just wasn't sure what the right code(the %2F you said) was.

Or just replace all characters that dont match a whitelist for the title

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