11/04/16 05:15PM
Mental Disorder Diagnosis
Hey everyone i need some advice and nobody seems to be giving me advice when i posted this on DA. So recently i told my therapist about an argument i got into my dad with recently where i wanted to attack my dad after the argument. After i told her this she asked me a couple of questions related to my temper. After i answered the questions she suggested that i take an Antisocial Personality Disorder/Psychopathy Test. When i asked why she told me from what i've been telling her i seem to be exhibiting some Antisocial Personality Disorder (sociopath) symptoms. So i decided to take the test. And my therapist told me based on the results and diagnosed me as a nonviolent borderline sociopath. Basically that means im prone to violent outbursts but unlike a fullblown sociopath im able to control my temper to a certain extent and let out that outburst when im not around people. It also means that i like to to lie, and manipulate people to a certain extent and rarely feel remorse or empathy. And now this diagnosis has been stressing me out on top of the sleep anxiety i get every since my bestfriend was murdered a couple years ago. So please can someone give me some advice. :(
11/04/16 05:34PM
I think the obvious answer here, at least the first step, is to seek treatment in any way it's available for your condition(s). There are plenty of doctors who would know how to address your concerns and diagnosis.
Just try your hardest to handle it all and be a decent person. Knowing that you have something to work on should make it a lot easier to handle than idly wondering and worrying.
11/04/16 10:02PM
i fell your pain. no, literally, i do. i exhibit those same things, except i have a bunch of disorders that each add up to this. Welcome to hell, dude. dont worry, it will get better. on the flipside, you can eventually learn how to use these things towards your advantage. (it is a lot of fun seeing how far you can manipulate someone).
11/04/16 10:04PM
crazyman said:
(it is a lot of fun seeing how far you can manipulate someone).

11/04/16 10:05PM
Pinkanator said:

11/04/16 10:21PM
I'm locking this thread on account of it breaking the following forum rule:

The <<|Forums Rules>> say:
* Threads about exceptionally private matters are not to be posted.

While I understand the desire to find advice for how to deal with this diagnosis, no advice given here would be anything beyond conjecture. Due to the complicated nature of medical conditions, some advice from untrained users may even be harmful advice on account of them not being trained for such things. This site and others like it are not a good place to seek advice on such a topic.

You have a therapist, and that's exactly who you should be turning to for this advice. If you need advice from someone that isn't that therapist, for whatever reason, then you're best off finding another therapist to get that advice. If you're just looking for general support for dealing with your diagnosis, then there are medical community sites out there designed specifically for helping people with that sort of situation. Though I have no examples on hand, I would begin looking into diagnosis support sites to see what you can find if that's what you're looking for.

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