11/04/16 09:33PM
Hey Mods
Can we have this be a thread where we actually request for any mods' feedback on certain issues with/within the Hub? As a community, we should be able to discuss certain general and/or specific topics that should be addressed. As much as I don't want to start up any drama with some of the current issues going on, I think we can try to at least make this an open forum for any concerns and/or questions we have outside Q&A, rather than relying on PMs that could obviously take a while to be answered. Cause honestly, it sucks to see some of the shit that's been continuously going on all the way up to this point, and I for one would like for there to be something done about it...

EDIT: If there's anything said that's either not to be brought up publicly or gets derailed, I'm fine with those comments being deleted; but really, let's not just sweep certain issues under the rug and pretend they didn't happen, when there's a good chance they will pop up again.
11/04/16 09:34PM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Stuff I agree with

I agree with this.
11/04/16 09:39PM
I think this is a good idea, I've seen a few things that really should be dealt with more and more as of late.
11/04/16 09:44PM
Why not ask Van directly via PM? He's very approachable. If you want him to comment about something specific in a thread, you can also ask him to do that. It's pretty rare that he denies a request or doesn't answer.
11/04/16 09:45PM
An open thread for talking about moderator decisions, or requesting moderator action seems like something with a 99.9998332% chance of turning into drama central every time two users disagree on something.

Also, sending a PM is not inherently slower than a forum thread; in fact, it may be faster because you get a bright yellow "new mail" alert when you get a PM while a forum thread just turns to a bold font.
11/04/16 09:50PM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
I think we can try to at least make this an open forum for any concerns and/or questions we have outside Q&A, rather than relying on PMs that could obviously take a while to be answered.

HypnoMangaEditor said:
directly via PM?

The point was that the PM system might mean it'd be a while until a mod could respond. Besides, it could help to get community input from certain things. Having only a mod respond is something I feel limits the ability to solve something more effectively. Having the community in a forum post WITH the mods allows them to converse with others, and other mods, too, to reach agreements faster or with methods that work better.
11/04/16 09:54PM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
Why not ask Van directly via PM? He's very approachable. If you want him to comment about something specific in a thread, you can also ask him to do that. It's pretty rare that he denies a request or doesn't answer.

I have in the past, and yet sometimes I'd just like for there to be more immediate responses to certain issues. Mainly because he's only one person, it sometimes takes a while for him to get back to me. But I don't have anything against him really, would just like to get other mods' feedback.

Changer said:
An open thread for talking about moderator decisions, or requesting moderator action seems like something with a 99.9998332% chance of turning into drama central every time two users disagree on something.

Also, sending a PM is not inherently slower than a forum thread; in fact, it may be faster because you get a bright yellow "new mail" alert when you get a PM while a forum thread just turns to a bold font.

Aside from the PM part I already addressed, I think there are also some vague things we can discuss without total drama breaking out, such as stuff that can be improved with the site's community in certain regards. Not all issues we'd like to address have to involve a particular person being talked about; sometimes there are topics a person/people may bring up that we can all try to discuss.
11/04/16 10:02PM
Changer said:
An open thread for talking about moderator decisions, or requesting moderator action seems like something with a 99.9998332% chance of turning into drama central every time two users disagree on something.

As someone being familiar with administration/moderating I can tell you, that sometimes you don't want to post stuff in a public thread - the above is just one of them.

SomeCallMeSalty said:
[...] it could help to get community input from certain things. Having only a mod respond is something I feel limits the ability to solve something more effectively. Having the community in a forum post WITH the mods allows them to converse with others, and other mods, too, to reach agreements faster or with methods that work better.

I don't think it is a good idea. You'd be discussing different topics in a single thread and everyone talking about different stuff. Things could go very wrong and misunderstandings could happen. To add to this, Mods would need to keep track to every single different topic, plus everyone posting in the topic would kind of expect an answer from them on their post.

I ... just don't think it is a good idea, but if Van wants to do it, well ...
11/04/16 10:03PM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
I don't think it is a good idea. You'd be discussing different topics in a single thread and everyone talking about different stuff. Things could go very wrong and misunderstandings could happen. To add to this, Mods would need to keep track to every single different topic, plus everyone posting in the topic would kind of expect an answer from them on their post.

I ... just don't think it is a good idea, but if Van wants to do it, well ...

And I don't blame ya, as yeah, things can go horribly wrong.
But hey, I guess this thread's possibly a good first step to see if we can work with the mods and do things right without it becoming a total clusterfuck.
11/04/16 10:04PM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
I don't think it is a good idea. You'd be discussing different topics in a single thread and everyone talking about different stuff. Things could go very wrong and misunderstandings could happen. To add to this, Mods would need to keep track to every single different topic, plus everyone posting in the topic would kind of expect an answer from them on their post.

I guess I see what you mean. I feel like the CONCEPT is fine, but the way the forums work just makes it impossible, or at least extremely difficult, to pull off.
11/04/16 10:04PM
Someone mentioned "Drama Central" so now I will pay attention to this thread.

Please someone flame the fuck outta someone else. DO ME, EVEN!
11/04/16 10:27PM
DisasterDan said:

Please someone flame the fuck outta someone else. DO ME, EVEN!

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.
11/04/16 10:28PM
KarmaX said:
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.

I fart in your general direction!
11/04/16 10:33PM
DisasterDan said:
Someone mentioned "Drama Central" so now I will pay attention to this thread.

Please someone flame the fuck outta someone else. DO ME, EVEN!

You are an upstanding citizen and probably smell like a pine-scented air freshener.

....I think I'm doing this wrong.
11/04/16 10:48PM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
Why not ask Van directly via PM? He's very approachable. If you want him to comment about something specific in a thread, you can also ask him to do that. It's pretty rare that he denies a request or doesn't answer.

This question was pretty much already answered, but I'll also point out that by asking the mods about this in public, when one of them looks at this to approve or deny it they can also see the immediate, mostly positive response to RCBC's idea. Whether seeing the PM is faster or slower than making a topic like this, this allows the mods to already see the answer to what I would imagine to be the logical next question -- do others think this is a good idea? And my answer would have to be a resounding yes.
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