11/09/16 09:45AM
The Results of the Election.
As of 3:30 AM (EST) Donald Trump has won the Presidency at 276 votes. Whether or not you agree on his political and social views, you have to admit, this has been a very interesting election. I can't help as someone studying politics but be fascinated and excited for what kind of presidency it'll be. Will it be a disaster or will it be hopeful? Who knows? Also exciting is that the Republican party holds both the House and the Senate; a feat that hasn't been seen since the 1920's. Now let's see how America will fare in it's most "insane" presidency in the next 4 years!
11/09/16 09:57AM
averageguy17 said:
As of 3:30 AM (EST) Donald Trump has won the Presidency at 276 votes. Whether or not you agree on his political and social views, you have to admit, this has been a very interesting election. I can't help as someone studying politics but be fascinated and excited for what kind of presidency it'll be. Will it be a disaster or will it be hopeful? Who knows? Also exciting is that the Republican party holds both the House and the Senate; a feat that hasn't been seen since the 1920's. Now let's see how America will fare in it's most "insane" presidency in the next 4 years!

*horrifying election

sorry, noticed a typo there. you spelled it "interesting"
11/09/16 10:15AM
bullet said:
*horrifying election

sorry, noticed a typo there. you spelled it "interesting"

Haha, fair enough I suppose. I can't say that this year's election wasn't a shitshow, with both sides having their own share of controversies. But as a Canadian, watching from afar, this was certainly a very entertaining election. We're already seeing other countries' economies drop as soon as Trump was projected to be the winner.

(In all seriousness though, I would like to remind people to remain civil with each other, regardless of whom you voted for. If things get to out of hand, I will ask for the thread to be deleted.)

For those who live outside of the states, how do you think America's new president will affect your country?
11/09/16 10:18AM
averageguy17 said:
Will it be a disaster or will it be hopeful? Who knows?

I'm gonna go with "disaster". I kinda expected it tho. MURICAAA
11/09/16 10:23AM
Meanwhile, gotta deal with all the people (some of my friends even) telling me + others about how voting 3rd party was basically the worst decision and that clearly it was a horrible thing for me to do. Thanks guys... .___.
11/09/16 10:27AM
<<m.youtube.com/watch?v=x2vjmgtD1_A|Meanwhile, at Crazyman's:>>
11/09/16 10:33AM
I wish there was a way to take a break.

From, like, the Earth.
11/09/16 10:43AM
Judging by the amount of salt, the next few days are going to be even more glorious than the ones after Brexit.

*Grabs popcorn*
11/09/16 10:45AM
We're all doomed.

Enough said.
11/09/16 10:46AM

Of course I live in the part of Germany that is most dependent on exports to the US. Fuck.

Also last time when the Republicans controlled: Senate, Congress, the Supreme Court and the president was in 1928. We know how that went. May we live in interesting times indeed, sigh.
11/09/16 10:50AM
it's time

time for WW3
11/09/16 11:05AM
GrandDad said:
I wish there was a way to take a break.

From, like, the Earth.

Likewise. Reeeeeaaaaally wanting that robot uprising right now...

Oh, and just to be clear, a good chunk of conservatives (not the Trump Chumps or alt-right crazies, but people who actually subscribe to Enlightenment philosophy and principles of limited government, self-determination, and responsible and non-obstructive regulation) as well as libertarians and right-leaning millennials didn't want Trump. You know that #NeverTrump movement? Started by people like me who wanted to remove the GOP establishment, but to do so with sanity. Not to mention get the GOP voter base to educate itself in politics and history in order to be more informed and avoid...well, this. Trump represents the worst in American society, and emboldens racialism while further breeding divisiveness.

These conservatives and libertarians, many of them millennials, joined with some on the left to try and remove a toxic candidate. The establishment GOP wouldn't have it during the end of the primaries, because Ted Cruz had little allegiance to the Republican Party, and Trump had shown his support for the GOP establishment in the past by donating to the campaigns of establishment Repubs like Boener and McConnell (he had also done the same for Hillary's 08 run, and his family still maintains a friendly relationship with the Clintons to the point where his daughters hang out with Chelsea on a regular basis. Plus, his kids are professed Dems. Really seems like this was fixed ahead of time...). So when a delegate vote was called for by the NeverTrumpers and delegates who were anti-Trump in an attempt to get an exact count for which delegates were voting on the remaining primary candidates (that being Trump, Cruz, and Kasich), the RNC said no.

Here's some data you might not come across unless you snoop around: Trump was not popular with millennials, even right-leaning ones. I think his favorability with that group was around the same as his favorability with hispanic and Latino voters (which is to say, between 15-20%, and possibly lower). Trump was obviously not that popular with women (around 36-40% of women who identified as Repub said they'd vote for him, though some estimates place it below 30%). Trump's biggest support group was from men above the age of 55-60 (around 70%, maybe a little higher) who identified as GOP voters, and were predominantly white. Though white women over 55 were also more amicable to Trump. So Trump's largest wave of support came from baby boomers and the generation after, who wouldn't have to worry about the impact of his polices (or lack thereof) in the long term.

Finally, judging by a good deal of people I've talked with online and in person (family and friends), they didn't vote for Trump because they agreed with his policies or liked him as a person. They voted because they felt that Trump was the lesser of two evils, and that Hillary was harmful to the U.S.; this is likely the same reasoning as many of those who voted for Hillary. And the reason why they didn't vote third party? They felt it was a waste of their vote. I personally feel that a majority of people who voted for Trump did so with this reasoning. Not that it makes me feel any better.

Establishment GOP and Dems have successfully conditioned their voter bases and society in the U.S.; even when faced with the worst options out of the two major parties, and a number of third party options that would better reflect their values and actually have comprehensive policies, they are still compelled to hold their nose and vote against the other party.

That is the lesson we all need to take away from this election, and it's a very sad lesson.

And yes, I wanted to clarify how groups of Repubs, unaffiliated conservatives (like me), and libertarians who would've voted GOP were never on board with Trump, and did everything they could to get him removed. So don't view us as monsters or blame us for Orange Hitler. We did what we legally could to stop this. >.<

Guess this is where I'm officially outed as a conservative/libertarian/Constitutionalist on here. Time for me to be shunned and exiled, I guess...
11/09/16 11:11AM
DrgnmastrAlex said:
Guess this is where I'm officially outed as a conservative/libertarian/Constitutionalist on here. Time for me to be shunned and exiled, I guess...

Eh, I won't. Other than also being exiled/alienated tomorrow, all for my decision I refuse to let other people have me regret, I still gotta keep up with ya about that minicomic of yours that's taking me ages... :0
11/09/16 11:12AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Eh, I won't. Other than also being exiled/alienated tomorrow, all for my decision I refuse to let other people have me regret, I still gotta keep up with ya about that minicomic of yours that's taking me ages... :0


I appreciate it.
11/09/16 11:41AM
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