11/21/13 06:14PM
All You need to know to use our IRC channel
Well, as I noticed many people in the chat doesn't know how to use correctly the chat I will explain some things that are useful and I won't be very heavy for you to reading :P

First of all, how can I connect to the IRC?

Well, you need a IRC client, I use and recommend Quassel (Linux-Windows-Mac), but You can choose whatever you want: XChat, HexChat, mIRC...

Here you have a list of alternatives to Quassel: alternativeto.net/software/quassel-irc/

And the last thing, if you want to come in with Android use this: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.andchat

So, you already have downloaded your client and you are very happy cause you'll be able to talk with all of us, but there is something missing, how should you configure it?

First it'll ask you for your nick and whatever, just complete it as you wish

It's easy, you can just copy this settings, but all you have to know is:
Adress: irc.cobaltirc.org
Port: 6667 (or just default)
Channel: #HypnoHub

Configuring in a nutshell: screencloud.net/v/r3pz (sorry for the spanish, but i think is not hard to reach there)

And after doing this you added the CobaltIRC network where the channel is allocated

How do I join the channel?
Quite easy, you'll have to do this just the first time: screencloud.net/v/nJD4
And then every day you want to get into the channel it will be automatic

Now I have talked with these guys, but how can I be sure that nobody can steal my name and use it?
You can register your nick, when you are into the channel and you have the nick you want register write this command:

/nickserv register PASS EMAIL

For example screencloud.net/v/3gXI (do not use that password xD )

It'll send you and email so you can verify your account, and everyone that wants to use your nick will have to use to log in:

/identify PASS

Yep, that's very useful, but it's a royal pain to identify every day you want to come, so as Quassel (And manu other clients) has a way to autoidentify we are going to use it

So getting into settings and networks we reach here: screencloud.net/v/hgas
We added before the network here, but if you look the tabs there is one that says "Identificación automática" that means, automatic identifying, and that is just the perfect way to autolog

And just in this way and applying changes we will autoidentify.

So basic things are covered all so you'll not have to worry about any thing, but if you want I can show a little more about it

Some basic commands that can be useful:

/nick NickThatYouWantToSet
/quit Message
/me Message
/away Message

And that's all folks
You can change some settings to change the skin or the way you want something by yourself, just ddg.gg and it's done ^^
11/22/13 01:49AM
Oh! Thanks for this. It'll be useful for anyone who wants to use a local client, rather than the web client.
11/26/13 09:41AM
I think we should sticky this, people keep asking in the channel for the details, and I just bring this up every time.
11/27/13 03:40AM
SirNobody said:
I think we should sticky this, people keep asking in the channel for the details, and I just bring this up every time.

I try to avoid stickying too many topics...but you're right. This probably fits the bill.
07/07/15 05:23PM
How do you ignore users? I don't want to ever use that function but we had some trouble with someone earlier and Svennerson was asking.
07/07/15 05:41PM
locustshoes said:
How do you ignore users? I don't want to ever use that function but we had some trouble with someone earlier and Svennerson was asking.

It varies based on your IRC client. The stock one that the site's Chat link goes to does not have a working ignore function.

I believe clients like mIRC and HexChat have them, among many others.
07/22/15 04:02AM
How do add quotes PomPom's method doesn't work
07/24/15 12:17AM
locustshoes said:
How do add quotes PomPom's method doesn't work

You can only add quotes to Hibikini if Ch0wW authorizes you to.
01/28/16 12:12AM
I'll be unstickying this and adding it to the new <<hypnohub.net/forum/show/25980|Important Thread Directory>>, instead.
11/23/16 12:41AM
11/23/16 01:01AM
crazyman said:

They're working on it.
11/29/16 11:24PM
nickserv is back
01/13/17 07:14PM
Okay, I must be stupid, but I've never used an IRC client before and I'm having trouble understanding what's going on. Perhaps someone here could shed some light ?
I'm using Quassel. I did everything jxp suggested, and it worked. Then I tried to reconnect after shutting down the client, but now it just shows me an empty client, with everything related to networking and IRC greyed out. The only thing I can do is "Connect to Core".
So I do it, and apparently I have to add a core. I add CobaltIRC as an account name, irc.cobaltirc.org as a Hostname, 6667 as the port, and finally my username and password.
Everytime I try this, it tries to connect to CobaltIRC and then rejects me with a "Incompatible Quassel Core! None of the protocols this client speaks are supported by the core you are trying to connect to."
After much searching, I realized I hadn't configured SSL properly. So I did. Still no cigar.
The core just says : "Warning: Could not connect to Freenode (The remote host closed the connection)".

I can't make heads nor tails of these error messages, and I'd really like to chat with you guys. Could anyone help an amateur out ?
05/10/17 02:51AM
We've replaced our IRC with a discord channel run by Ch0wW. This is no longer relevant, so I'm locking it.

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