11/14/16 08:16AM
More freebies for you? Heck yes!
So my last thread didn't go too well, I think I only got one sketch out! D: I got really sick AGAIN (thanks retail) and a bunch of other stuff came up and I haven't been able to do one since because my sister's baby twins were born. ^w^ Now the twins are almost a month old and things are calming down, work's not as busy and I'm healthy! (whoo~) So I'm gonna do another one of these. :3 Not sure how long it'll last or how much I'll get done of it but, yeah~ I feel like doing some art!

Same thing as last time! "I'm up for trying anything except scat/urine/ageplay and related stuff. OCs and canon character suggestions are fine too! If you are going to offer up an OC, please give me a picture to work off of. <3

Important note: I am HORRIBLE at drawing females. Just awful. You can ask for them but I might just wind up genderbending them. ; w ; I really like doing freebies so if you request something and it didn't get done this time, feel free to request again next time I do a freebie thread. c: Also, all art will be done on my 3DS so it won't be THAT high of quality. uwu"

Do you think I should make a perma-freebie thread? I strongly feel like drawing cute guys!! (So gender bending is super likely if you offer me up a girl.) I have some cute new OCs I want to draw so they might be popping up too! ^u^ <3
11/14/16 01:34PM

Please, draw Blue :3

She's not human female so it should be fine? ^^

..also, if you could do only request you didnt in last thread >///<
Nazwa said:
What would you think of subby catgirls? :3

She isn't bi, tho, just femdom... .///.
Or genderless. Like plants.

11/14/16 01:49PM
A saint has arrived! Do uhhh... someone serious hypnotized to do something pervy and not notice anything unusual about it. Or something else out of character. Yeah nobody specific comes to mind right now lol.
11/14/16 01:49PM
Auri said:
I strongly feel like drawing cute guys!!

*watches this thread excitedly* OvO

Also, congrats to your sister for having twins! My gosh, that must be so exciting! :D
11/14/16 06:19PM
Could you please do something on the Jojolion version of Yoshikage Kira? here's a gelbooru link for some reference.
11/14/16 06:39PM
I do think it's a shame we've only got the one image of Evie Frye, although you mentioned not being good at drawing females so failing that I'd quite like to see any of the Young Justice characters getting controlled by M'gann (she can be offscreen or whatever if it's a problem)
11/16/16 02:00AM
Nazwa said:

Please, draw Blue :3

She's not human female so it should be fine? ^^

..also, if you could do only request you didnt in last thread >///<


Also, special bonus for everyone! A cute subby Lloyd Irving <3 (aka best husbando)

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