11/15/16 09:41PM
Need Help Toward *Actual* Research
ayylamao said:
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
And now that has me wondering, what exactly is the connection between the media we consume early on, and the fetishes we come to develop because of them...?

Sometimes I wonder the same, and I like to think there's a connection there because I feel as though I've definitely developed interests from things I used to watch or read etc. No idea if there's anything scientific behind it, but I can definitely attest to that.

So a while back, I brought up my curiosity about how our specific fetishes develop, which I've suspected that media has played a significant role in creating them. How we subconsciously (or somehow consciously) pick and choose which ones we enjoy though from such an early age, such as vore, inflation, tickling, scat, age regression, and Hell even hypnosis, is something I'd like to look into further. I will be doing a paper on this for my abnormal psychology class, and while I'd love to share any interesting findings, I would really appreciate it if anyone can suggest to me any published works to look into about this subject matter. I would prefer to have the works not be from only online sources, but if they're very thorough and well put together, I suppose I can use them. Otherwise, I really appreciate the help.

The links below were some threads I've looked through a bit, mostly about how various Hub members' got into their fetish(es). Those were some I looked through/said something about the topic, yet weren't able to find anything to point me in the right direction. Still, figured could be interesting to share for anyone curious.

<<|Do you remember how did your fetishes form?>>
<<|Looking for hypothesis session (Troll/protest thread some of us took seriously)>>
<<|Why Kaa??? ------ Por qué Kaa???>>
<<|How did your hypno fetish start>>
<<|What do YOU like about the MC/Hypnosis theme?>>
11/15/16 11:54PM
Regrettably, I don't really have any knowledge to share on this topic, but I am interested and will be watching closely to see if anything shows up here that intrigues me.

In any case, just to throw my relatively baseless opinion in here, I don't think there is really a specific set of circumstances you'd be able to pin down about this, but I'd say media exposure is definitely a large factor. Looking through those threads you linked, it seems like almost everyone picked up their fetishes from TV or books that they saw/read at a young age, so perhaps looking at some more generalised writings on how media affects the young may give you a starting point for getting into your specific topic.

Also, abnormal psychology sounds like an interesting class to study in...
11/15/16 11:58PM
<<|Well, I can't speak for myself, since I've just always had it. The next generation?>>
11/16/16 12:04AM
Actually, this might be a tough thing to research, as it seems like there are only theories as to how and why our sexual fetishes develop. My theory is that since we are not exposed to sexual content until a certain age, our subconscious ids make up for it in the content that we ARE exposed to in early childhood--i.e. cartoons. And since cartoons typically have to substitute violence and sex with absurd things like characters being swallowed whole, hypnosis, and age regression, that is where our pleasure-deprived ids gravitate toward. Why some people are turned on by vore and others aren't is a different story, though--I think that's just on a person-to-person basis. Everyone is different.

Of course, I could just be spouting nonsense. ><;;; But I thought I would try to help anyway.
11/16/16 05:29AM
I'm not aware of any published sources you wouldn't have to buy, but if you're a student you may have access to a database of scientific journals. Consider using one of those with a keyword like "paraphilia" for more general results. Getting anything more than just the abstract tends to be an annoyance, but stuff like Google Scholar may help point you in the right direction.

Some potential sources I've found after giving the most cursory search are these:
Not the full text, but a place to start looking. If you can find a way to access to full article all the better.
This one is a little odd in that it studies the ideas that the average person has on the cause of fetishes. I'm not sure why, so I didn't do much more than skim to the end to look at the references.
I wish I could read the full text of this one.
Author is apparently THE John Money, which might make this more interesting. Maybe.

So yeah, not a whole lot, but hopefully enough to get started.

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