11/28/16 12:24AM
What happened to that series of posts of a jungle book femdom femsub comic?
The one where Female Kaa hypnotizes female Bagheera? It's deleted off of hypnohub, but if anyone has a link to the original deviantart that would be great.
11/28/16 12:38AM
Apparently we were doing some "illegal shit" here... *rolls eyes*
Link to the DA page is still there I believe for the posts:
11/28/16 01:41AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Apparently we were doing some "illegal shit" here... *rolls eyes*
Link to the DA page is still there I believe for the posts:

RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Apparently we were doing some "illegal shit" here... *rolls eyes*
Link to the DA page is still there I believe for the posts:

Against my better judgment I decided to say something here. I am an artist, I have followed the HUB for many years (since its creation) mostly as a means of finding other artists with like-minded ideas that I enjoy seeing, but I have never said anything or posted my art or even allowed my art to be posted and after this post, I will likely go quiet again.

I decided to say something because in regards to this and in regards to the Eragashi thing, I wanted to provide an objective opinion and view from an artist of why one may not want to be featured here on the HUB.

I do not personally know why would the previous artists in question or any artist other than myself not want to be featured here, their reasons are their own, but for some of them I would suggest that they may perhaps merely not want to associate with the 'community' here. I am not trying to be 'provoking' or anything, I am just saying.. I have followed the hypno-fetish community for a great many years, back even before I could speak English when I used to frequent Yahoo! groups and used a translator to obtain a rough idea of what were being said, but the hypno-fetish community have always been kind of.. unpleasant.. at least from my perspective.

There are many within it that are flat out entitled brats that lash out at anyone with a differing opinion to them, there are many that are incredibly rude, make hurtful comments, and attack others for no reason. You may say "this is true of any community", and yes, to an extent, but you have to understand this is a very small niche community that enjoys the hypnosis related artworks and because of that, the assholes in the community carry much more heavy-hands that have dissuaded artists like myself from wanting to have anything to do with the community for the desire of avoiding and not having to deal with drama.

That and for me, the most appalling and most entitled attitude I have seen in this community is people treating and speaking as if the artists who take the time to draw something, who put hours of effort and work into something somehow for whatever reason do not have the right to 'own' their creation, regardless of whether it is an original character or a fan-work and do not have the right to decide where it goes and how.

That I think is one of the biggest things among the other problems that make me and may motivate other artists to not want to be associated with this place.

Food for thought, anyway. Not that it will achieve anything and I will probably be flamed for having said anything, but whatever. I put the thought out there and maybe it will motivate a few people to think and act more decently and consider the artists feelings more.

Anyway, back to lurking forever more.
11/28/16 02:00AM
Now before responding to what ya said, I honestly appreciate the points you've respectfully brought up, as far as bringing some food for thought. I do hope you're willing to follow up with whatever else I say, and hey, if ya got any work to share with another artist like myself, perhaps PM me to check it out. If you prefer to stay anonymous I understand bud.

Anyway, within the link I up top was the artist trying to point out how their work we posted here was somehow in violation of copyright infringement, despite us not selling or redistributing the work without them listed as the owner...

"This is copyright infringement. Please take down my artwork immediately. I hope you will be respectful of my work and that you will voluntarily cooperate so that no further action will be necessary. Thank you in advance for never re-uploading or distributing my artwork again without my express permission. This is just wrong. Not to mention illegal."

It's why I don't take issue at all toward them (or any other artists) not wanting their work here, but to claim what they did is just a bit over the top.
11/28/16 02:07AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Now before responding to what ya said, I honestly appreciate the points you've respectfully brought up, as far as bringing some food for thought. I do hope you're willing to follow up with whatever else I say, and hey, if ya got any work to share with another artist like myself, perhaps PM me to check it out. If you prefer to stay anonymous I understand bud.

Anyway, within the link I up top was the artist trying to point out how their work we posted here was somehow in violation of copyright infringement, despite us not selling or redistributing the work without them listed as the owner...

"This is copyright infringement. Please take down my artwork immediately. I hope you will be respectful of my work and that you will voluntarily cooperate so that no further action will be necessary. Thank you in advance for never re-uploading or distributing my artwork again without my express permission. This is just wrong. Not to mention illegal."

It's why I don't take issue at all toward them (or any other artists) not wanting their work here, but to claim what they did is just a bit over the top.

Well likewise because the response were polite, I will respond.

Yeah, I get that. And the wording is not all so good, but remember. You are dealing with something an artist spends hours of their time and effort on, they perhaps were disgruntled to see it here, maybe they did not want it here, maybe they just wanted their content in their own control, whatever the reason it seems to have provoked a response from them that were rather.. ehm.. 'heated', the words used there are strong and indicate that the person probably did not imagine that without threatening the website that their work would be removed, I would guess personally that they did not understand the sort of ehm, what you said.. policies of the site to remove artists who do not want their work posted here, right?

My thing is while their response were worded very badly and handled wrong, it is not entirely out of my range of understanding to venture a guess why they responded like that even if I would have handled it differently.

My main point here continues to be just that the artist who makes a work spends a very great deal of time and effort on it, that creates an emotional attachment to the work that some people do not seem to really know how to 'handle' without letting their emotions run rampant. But not all people are the same, not all have good self control, not all care to, not all think in a reasonable way when their emotions flare up. That is just my take on it personally.
11/28/16 02:13AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:

"This is copyright infringement. Please take down my artwork immediately. I hope you will be respectful of my work and that you will voluntarily cooperate so that no further action will be necessary. Thank you in advance for never re-uploading or distributing my artwork again without my express permission. This is just wrong. Not to mention illegal."

Honestly, I thought this was a pretty polite and frank response, even if they misunderstood what you guys actually do here. I can understand where they're coming from; art theft is a really serious matter and it's a hard thing to police, so when an artist finds out their artwork is being posted on a site--a porn site, no less--without their knowledge or permission, obviously it's going to rustle some tail feathers. Hell, I had almost the same reaction years ago when I found out my art was being posted here, although it was for different reasons. I really think it might be prudent of people who upload other people's art to ask an artist's permission first before uploading something here, regardless of how many people might "appreciate" it.

11/28/16 02:13AM
kuningatar said:
That is just my take on it personally.

And a fair one indeed.

I have no ill will toward them; heck, I even told this asshat in the comments to piss off as far as this shitty attitude of, "Oh, their worked sucked anyway, who needs em!" It's a shame if anything to have artists upset with us, and I can't fully blame em when it comes to having their own personal reasons. I just wish we could talk things out more or less and not make such empty threats in this day and age... Meh...
11/28/16 02:26AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
And a fair one indeed.

I have no ill will toward them; heck, I even told this asshat in the comments to piss off as far as this shitty attitude of, "Oh, their worked sucked anyway, who needs em!" It's a shame if anything to have artists upset with us, and I can't fully blame em when it comes to having their own personal reasons. I just wish we could talk things out more or less and not make such empty threats in this day and age... Meh...

This I feel arises from society as it is, as it have existed for ages. Human society is built around imperfect understanding, humans in general have imperfect understanding. More so than that, few humans think outside of the spectrum of their own views or understandings and make any attempt to understand that which is 'different' or may be perceived as different from themselves. They see it as difficult, too much work, some even do not think of it at all because often times in modern society such thoughts are dissuaded against.

I understand why people are how they are, I hold no grudge, but I also see that I do not wish to associate or open myself to such behaviours. I am a simple person, all I want in life is to live happily and to not have to contend pointlessly with others. So I understand that often people contend with others from confusion, fear, and other emotional stimuli that causes them to lash out for whatever reason.. I am also aware that some people do not have a great understanding or concept of that which is not themselves.

I do not know if I am wording this so well in a way that others can understand or work out, I struggle sometimes with English but.. I feel that many things are limited and hindered by imperfect understanding and recognizing this is the first step in working towards a cure for that problem.

geekgirl8 said:
Honestly, I thought this was a pretty polite and frank response, even if they misunderstood what you guys actually do here. I can understand where they're coming from; art theft is a really serious matter and it's a hard thing to police, so when an artist finds out their artwork is being posted on a site--a porn site, no less--without their knowledge or permission, obviously it's going to rustle some tail feathers. Hell, I had almost the same reaction years ago when I found out my art was being posted here, although it was for different reasons. I really think it might be prudent of people who upload other people's art to ask an artist's permission first before uploading something here, regardless of how many people might "appreciate" it.

Yes, I agree. It would be a very good idea for people to ask artists before they post their art somewhere without their permission. It would certainly side-step many of the issues and I think also, it would do well for those who do not to learn to respect the wishes of artists.
11/28/16 02:26AM
geekgirl8 said:
Honestly, I thought this was a pretty polite and frank response, even if they misunderstood what you guys actually do here. I can understand where they're coming from; art theft is a really serious matter and it's a hard thing to police, so when an artist find out their artwork is being posted on a site--a porn site, no less--without their knowledge or permission, obviously it's going to rustle some tail feathers. Hell, I had almost the same reaction years ago when I found out my art was being posted here, although it was for different reasons. I really think it might be prudent of people who upload other people's art to ask an artist's permission first before uploading something here, regardless of how many people might "appreciate" it.

Frank certainly, and polite I suppose so, that is until the last two lines.
"Wrong and illegal" were very much insistent on us being completely immoral, despite again, us not having done anything of the sort in terms of the latter. But yes, not crediting artists and their work is a very rampant problem all over the web in this day and age, and the fact that over 90%* of our content here's pornographic to some degree doesn't exactly help either for artists not wanting any association. Also, I do agree how it's pretty asinine to have artists be thankful toward us, despite never reaching out in the first place.

I'd still like to stand by my main argument that while what we did was in the wrong (and is still something this site's users are guilty of to this day), I don't exactly see this as anything illegal nor completely immoral. I hope we can try and ask artists for permission, but I doubt that will take off with most people here...

*Assumption I'm making, not at all a clear cut fact just to be clear
11/28/16 02:50AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Frank certainly, and polite I suppose so, that is until the last two lines.
"Wrong and illegal" were very much insistent on us being completely immoral, despite again, us not having done anything of the sort in terms of the latter. But yes, not crediting artists and their work is a very rampant problem all over the web in this day and age, and the fact that over 90%* of our content here's pornographic to some degree doesn't exactly help either for artists not wanting any association. Also, I do agree how it's pretty asinine to have artists be thankful toward us, despite never reaching out in the first place.

I'd still like to stand by my main argument that while what we did was in the wrong (and is still something this site's users are guilty of to this day), I don't exactly see this as anything illegal nor completely immoral. I hope we can try and ask artists for permission, but I doubt that will take off with most people here...

*Assumption I'm making, not at all a clear cut fact just to be clear

I think that also highlights one of those things I referred to, one of the symptoms of the sort of 'entitled' attitude, like.. because a stranger posted your (the artists) work here, the artist should be thanking the HUB, and if you do not you are ungrateful and 'unworthy' is the sort of attitude I have often construed from that sort of talk.

I mean especially if the artist never asked for the attention and never tried to gain it.
12/10/16 04:09AM
I feel like if you're posting work on a generally public access website such DA rather than from behind a paywall you should expect your work to be downloaded and re-uploaded. Hell, DA even has a download button!
12/10/16 04:21AM
hypnoguy777 said:
I feel like if you're posting work on a generally public access website such DA rather than from behind a paywall you should expect your work to be downloaded and re-uploaded. Hell, DA even has a download button!

Well yeah, but when you actually catch them in the act/see who's actually uploading your content without permission, you have the right to ask them to take it down. Just cause you expect it, doesn't mean have to accept it.
12/10/16 04:22AM
hypnoguy777 said:
I feel like if you're posting work on a generally public access website such DA rather than from behind a paywall you should expect your work to be downloaded and re-uploaded. Hell, DA even has a download button!

It's one thing to ask for your work to be taken down. It's another to say people are breaking copyright law and threaten them.
12/10/16 04:33AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Anyway, within the link I up top was the artist trying to point out how their work we posted here was somehow in violation of copyright infringement, despite us not selling or redistributing the work without them listed as the owner...distributed

He's not wrong, though. It doesn't matter whether you claim ownership or whether you make a profit (i.e. fair use is not even a consideration here). Copyright is literally the right to choose how a work is copied. If he doesn't want it copied here, then it's infringement to do otherwise.

Most artists waive this right. They either don't mind whether it's redistributed, or because the internet is so large they never realize it's been distributed in the first place. But just because that's the de facto norm doesn't mean it's always the norm, and the law does allow for cases like this

of course, the problem here was that he wasn't acting on good faith that the infringement wasn't intentional. A polite "hey can you not post this here?" would have been preferred over coming in guns blazing.
12/10/16 04:36AM
plsignore said:
He's not wrong, though. It doesn't matter whether you claim ownership or whether you make a profit (i.e. fair use is not even a consideration here). Copyright is literally the right to choose how a work is copied. If he doesn't want it copied here, then it's infringement to do otherwise.

Most artists waive this right. They either don't mind whether it's redistributed, or because the internet is so large they never realize it's been distributed in the first place. But just because that's the de facto norm doesn't mean it's always the norm, and the law does allow for cases like this

You have to actually OWN the copyright though. Given the art in question only depicted characters he didn't own.

He couldn't realistically claim copyright of the image, because then Disney would swoop in. Now before you say that would never happen, Disney got into a legal battle with a daycare for painting images of Mickey and other Disney characters on their wall.
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