12/01/16 03:22AM
Question About Post Takedown Requests
so if someone commissions artwork and posts it,but the artist asks it not to be posted who has the overall authority the one who paid for it or the artist?

this is hypothetical
12/01/16 03:26AM
hypnoshadow said:
so if someone commissions artwork and posts it,but the artist asks it not to be posted who has the overall authority the one who paid for it or the artist?

this is hypothetical

You should make the title a little more clear. But this is something that I also half thought about recently due to some stuff from a blaklisted artist getting posted.
12/01/16 03:31AM
Artist takes precedent I'd argue. Sure, it may be what you paid them to create, but featuring it on sites they'd prefer to not associate with is kinda disrespectful if anything... Honestly though, this should be something to be worked out before commissioning an artist, as to make sure they're okay with your plans for sharing the work.
12/01/16 03:35AM
hypnoshadow said:
so if someone commissions artwork and posts it,but the artist asks it not to be posted who has the overall authority the one who paid for it or the artist?

this is hypothetical

the basic rule of decency is that if either party doesnt want it publicly posted, it doesnt get publicly posted. the commissioner has the right to ask that it not be posted if she wants to keep it private, and the artist has the same right not to have her work posted if she doesnt want to. commissions should only be released publicly if both parties r willing.

if u want ur commissions to be posted publicly, always make sure that when u commmission work from someone, they have a history of posting their comissioned work publicly, because then the expectation is already there. and if what ur asking them to do is more extreme then their work usually is, ask up front whether they will be comfortable having it posted.

thats whats morally right.

of course personally i feel that anyone who denies the public any and all sexy lesbian stories, comics, pics, videos, or anything else, is a dastardly scoundrel but thats just me :(
12/01/16 04:30AM
Imasuky said:
You should make the title a little more clear. But this is something that I also half thought about recently due to some stuff from a blaklisted artist getting posted.

The rules said:
Threads must have titles that some way express the topic of the thread. No vague clickbait titles.

Yes, please make the title of this thread a little more descriptive. "Question about 'do not post' artists", for example.

Now, I'm only a forum mod, so I can't exactly dispense judgement on a non-forum matter like the question being asked, but my two cents is that the artist has the final say on where they don't want to see their work. No matter how much somebody else is paying, it won't change the fact that they don't want to see it in places that they have stated that they don't want to see it. If I recall correctly, most of the artists on the DNP list are on there for a stated reason, not just "durr hurr hurr I don't like the hub don't post my shitz here". And a stated reason, no matter how valid, isn't just going to go away because somebody else paid for the art. But again, that's just my own personal opinion.
12/01/16 04:53AM
I edited the title to be more clear, for you, since this is a good question.

I'll post the official stance on this.

It's not about who gets the last say, and it's not really a priority. It is more or less as Yumberduddle outlined - if ANY person with any sort of rights over the image wants it removed, it will be removed.

This includes:

* Artists
* Commissioners
* Manippers (for manips)
* Colorists (if the art was colored by them and they're not the artist)
* Owners of characters in the image (primarily for OCs)
* People depicted in the image (if the image is real)
* People who the character in the image is based on (if the image is not)
* Etc.

If any one person involved with the image in any of the above ways asks for us to take an image down, it will be taken down no matter if the rest say it's okay for it to be here.

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