12/02/16 01:11AM
Unofficial Hypno Hub Bi-Monthly Themes Thread
So, this is just a little thread I'm making to reinstate some kind of occasional theme. So, I guess I'll explain my ideas for making the themes better:
As the thread title states, I think it should be held every two months. Gives anyone interested more time.
I'm actually going to talk to an admin or two about giving the winner(s) something special. Just a little image of some kind they could post on the hub or something.
My idea would be that each theme is challenging to some extent. Of course, anyone is welcome to suggest ideas.
I'd probably get some second opinions from other members on which entry/entries should win. This, of course, assumes someone else isn't put in charge of it.
I'd imagine that if we ever get enough entries, we have a "manip" and "original art" winners.
So... anyone interested?
12/02/16 02:23AM
I think there'd need to be some kinda monetary incentive involved (something simple like $10-20), as that would probably help get a better turnout, compared to just some sorta "reward image" we'd hand out to the winner. Unless a specific, well-respected artist agrees to take on a free commission, where in return they'd presumably set the theme (say for example more pics of their OCs), I don't know how incentivized users would be if it's just any artist doing a pic as the reward. Just some pointers to throw out there; nothing against it entirely. I hope will go over well...
12/02/16 03:28AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
I think there'd need to be some kinda monetary incentive involved (something simple like $10-20), as that would probably help get a better turnout, compared to just some sorta "reward image" we'd hand out to the winner. Unless a specific, well-respected artist agrees to take on a free commission, where in return they'd presumably set the theme (say for example more pics of their OCs), I don't know how incentivized users would be if it's just any artist doing a pic as the reward. Just some pointers to throw out there; nothing against it entirely. I hope will go over well...

Yeah, in truth I figured as much. But this is what I have to offer at the moment. But only time will tell.
12/02/16 03:39AM
NinjaW said:
Yeah, in truth I figured as much. But this is what I have to offer at the moment. But only time will tell.

You say that, but what we will need to get it going will be a strong initiative. Needs to be inticing, plus well thought out as to make things "fair" to a certain degree for who gets chosen as the winner.

On a quick separate note, I'd argue to have manips and original artwork be completely separate; while there are few exceptions of very good manips I can appreciate, would be kinda disheartening to have a really strong piece of artwork become a manip, and then go up against someone else's original work... :/
12/02/16 03:45AM
NinjaW said:
I'm actually going to talk to an admin or two about giving the winner(s) something special. Just a little image of some kind they could post on the hub or something.

Don't you think, that if this was possible, it would have already been done?
I think I had this ideas many many months ago but it sadly can't be done. If you can however get artists to offer a commission as a reward, that would be awesome, but good luck with that.

12/02/16 03:54AM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
Don't you think, that if this was possible, it would have already been done?
I think I had this ideas many many months ago but it sadly can't be done. If you can however get artists to offer a commission as a reward, that would be awesome, but good luck with that.

Eh, ya never know. They could call the shots as far as setting the parameters for theme and/or more tags (characters, types of hypnosis, etc), which could get some nice posts added to the pool. They could also outline parameters for how much they'd do with the free commission reward (number of characters, linework or full color, etc.), so wouldn't have to be biggest burden for the artist to do some work on.

I honestly think just about anyone can do this at any given time (like tomorrow even), but making it a reality requires someone to step up and outline what they want + what they're offering.
12/02/16 06:01AM
I'd strongly advise you guys to first get something reliable to work on before you start making plans though. These threads with promises and ideas are common and rarely do I see anything come out of them. But by all means, try. I don't think there's any harm in doing so.

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