12/05/16 04:53PM
Mind Control Source Filmmaker?
If you all know me you know I'm busy as hell making my games. However I've seen something that interests me that I would be working in if I weren't making games.

Source Film Maker is easy to use and the NSFW models are public. I'm curious - have any of you considered using SFM to create hypnoporn videos or gifs? I've never seen a single one but it's almost perfectly suited to it. It has the advantage of feeling kinda cartoony so you can make your oldschool videogame waifus in it or real people and it'd still feel appropriate. And you certainly don't have to worry about needing years of art training to make some.

I've gathered up a few useful links for those interested:

It's like - I like Palutena and there are adult SFM models of her out there. Hypnoporn Palutena gifs would be something I'd be all over if I had the time.

What about you all? Anyone considered giving it a go?
12/05/16 06:28PM
I have been interested in doing SFM stuff for a while now, but I've never had the right computer for the job. Hopefully that'll change soon and I can actually start learning the ropes. If I do, expect to see me actually contribute to the hub, lol.
12/05/16 07:32PM
Darknessneon said:
I have been interested in doing SFM stuff for a while now, but I've never had the right computer for the job. Hopefully that'll change soon and I can actually start learning the ropes. If I do, expect to see me actually contribute to the hub, lol.

I would honestly be overjoyed to see any SFM mind control content. Good luck with getting a new comp!
12/09/16 01:29AM
Valve: Let's make some TF2 shorts
Internet: fuckin porn man fuck yeah
12/09/16 01:39AM
I would love to do stuff like this, but the work involved seems like it would take up a huge amount of time

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