12/07/16 07:35PM
Tips on dealing with OCD?
Recently I've been dealing with a bad case of OCD, specifically the cleanliness kind. Any tips for dealing with it?

I've been going to therapy and have been taking medication for a few weeks now, but I wanted to see what you guys had to say.
12/07/16 07:38PM
Sorry to say, but idk if this is the sorta place for any of us to talk about it.
Just cause reminds me of this last time: hypnohub.net/forum/show/47041
12/07/16 07:49PM
I'm a bit on the fence about this. As RCBC has pointed out, yes, threads about exceptionally personal matters are not to be posted. However...if we can keep this from getting too personal and more of a "general" OCD thread...I think it can be fine. If this starts snowballing out of control, though, it's gone. Fair enough?
12/07/16 08:03PM
MilesHypnoPrower said:
I'm a bit on the fence about this. As RCBC has pointed out, yes, threads about exceptionally personal matters are not to be posted. However...if we can keep this from getting too personal and more of a "general" OCD thread...I think it can be fine. If this starts snowballing out of control, though, it's gone. Fair enough?

Yeah that's fine.
12/07/16 08:06PM
MilesHypnoPrower said:
I'm a bit on the fence about this. As RCBC has pointed out, yes, threads about exceptionally personal matters are not to be posted. However...if we can keep this from getting too personal and more of a "general" OCD thread...I think it can be fine. If this starts snowballing out of control, though, it's gone. Fair enough?

Sorry to say it that way, but taking advice without professional help is not a good idea. This place is not really fit for something like that. If you want help, ask on the "Hello" thread and talk it out with other users through DM.

This thread is being locked due to violating following rules:

Threads with a particularly high chance of causing drama due to their extremely sensitive topics are not to be posted.

Threads about exceptionally private matters are not to be posted.

Exceptions might be made for things like a personal emergency on GoFundMe or something similar. Contact Henry-killenger for permission before posting things like that.

Due to people being overly sensitive about not enough enforcing, I'll have to hand out warnings for even this kind of violation. Please consider asking Henry-killenger for permission first. Thank you.

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