12/11/16 10:51PM
If you (or your OC) was a D&D character
What skill would they have? or spells, etc.
12/11/16 11:01PM
Within the context of D&D I'd probably be a level 2 Wizard at this point - that's assuming we can safely substitute computer-science studies with magic studies, the typical D&D setting not exactly having computers. Spells would be whatever I found during my studies.

I'd probably have a disproportionate amount of points in Charisma, but a background that makes it only apply in certain situations via houseruling.
12/11/16 11:05PM
Well, Trozu's a dryad, so would prob need a monster manual or some custom race stats to figure her shtick out. She'd probably be a Druid though for obvious reasons.
Her girlfriend Kream was originally a Drow bounty hunter, so I suppose a fighter in her case. Only issue is that she's basically been "pacified" to let herself be protected, which pretty much makes the previous point null and void...

As for me, chaotic neutral or neutral good cleric I suppose... Idk... [shrug]
12/12/16 04:08AM
My OC already is a D&D character. Well, Pathfinder, but same difference.

As for me, some flavor of Wizard or Alchemist, possibly?
12/12/16 04:12AM
crazyman said:
What skill would they have?

12/12/16 04:15AM
The ability to submit to any enemy with enough charisma and become its slave, I love mistress Sophia
12/12/16 04:21AM
G3m4sSt4ff said:

Thadias_trip said:
The ability to submit to any enemy with enough charisma and become its slave, I love mistress Sophia

im seeing two very different things here
12/12/16 06:24AM
Some of My OCs are D&D Characters

Dale is a Human-Dragonborn Warblade, with dips in Barbarian and Ranger, and also Stemborg MK II from Dragonmech. His personialty is that of a brutally honest warrior from the Hordelands, which is Forgotten Realms' version of Mongolia (From 3.5) (In the version of FR he's in, some areas do in fact have better tech to a certain degree, mainly up to steampunk at the most.)

As for characters that I started for campaigns formed with folks in the Hub, I have Lilya, a Human-Dragonborn Fighter/Warblade with big tits (3.5):

Saradra, the Drow Gunslinger Brawler that is known to get zonk'd (PF):

Christina Evergreen, a LG Human Paladin of Iomedae (PF) , who was set to help others in a cursed town for a campaign meant to be ran by CCP before communication went dark.

And then there's Susrpiia, a Drow Necromancer that is around what an elfkind would consider late teens, and want to take over the world by becoming a lich and turning others into her cute zombie-walking (but emphasis on the zombie) slaves (PF):

In a Pathfinder game a close friend of mine runs, I have two characters, Raxle, a Male Drow gunslinger that is a mercenary, and a russian, who later got locked in jail:
Then there is one of my best character ideas: Georguy Finchey, a Human Warpriest of Irori who tries to help others seek self perfection, and is also a wrestler as he does matches to raise funds for the local churches of Irori:
12/12/16 06:26AM
Also, the pic for Dale was drawn by me, the pic for Saradra was done by P. Chronos one night when he streamed, and the pic for Georguy was a commission from a good artist and friend on DA.

The Image used for Raxle I cropped from this commission I made a while back to be honest:
12/12/16 06:36AM
someguy231 said:
Also, the pic for Dale was drawn by me, the pic for Saradra was done by P. Chronos one night when he streamed, and the pic for Georguy was a commission from a good artist and friend on DA.

The Image used for Raxle I cropped from this commission I made a while back to be honest:

Think you'd ever continue with the idea? Just wondering :0
12/12/16 06:41AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Think you'd ever continue with the idea? Just wondering :0

Oh right!!! That part 3!!! Lemme check if the artist reopened commissions.
12/12/16 09:45AM
My level is 5 and my bluff check is 19, my diplomacy check is 20. Your house is my potato.
12/12/16 01:02PM
I'd probably be a rogue with Improved Unarmed Strike on account of having taken self-defense classes and read books on booby traps and explosives. Probably Neutral Good rogue follower of Pelor. Not much on social skills, but good at physical and stealth skills. I'd let the Paladin be the face of the party any day.

I could Sneak Attack with my fists or legs. How else do you call the typical Krav Maga stuff such as kicking the groin and punching the throat?
12/12/16 07:04PM
I'd probably be a wizard, 'cause that would go just swimmingly with my intellect score of 8 or so. Well, either that or a commoner. Probably commoner. Or goblin. Goblin commoner. Wizard who polymorphed himself into a goblin commoner. Somehow.
12/12/16 08:15PM
Does anyone remember Clint Eastwood's <<|character>> from Gran Torino? If was in a campaign, I'd want to be someone like him, but as like some revenant resurrected by one of the party memebers in a tomb they discovered. I'd be bound to help out the one who did summon me, but that doesn't mean I'd be an obedient little bitch about.
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