12/15/16 12:10AM
Need advice for my illustrated story
Hey, so, I'm getting close to finishing up a story I commissioned artwork for, and I'm going to be able to start posting it by the end of the week. Since this is going to be my first upload, however, I was wondering if I could get some advice from more experienced posters as to how I should go about this:

Where should I place the images into the story? At the beginning of the general "scene" the image is from, at the end of the general "scene", or at the exact moment when the illustrated event happens?

Like, say picture one is of a woman staring at a swinging pendulum, and the second is of her taking off her shirt on command. Should I shift from picture 1 to picture 2 when the hypnotist gives the command to strip, when the hypnotist starts giving general orders, or at the exact moment in the narrative when her breasts become exposed?

I understand this is a bit of an odd question, but I want to make sure I do this right, so if anybody has any insight I'd love to hear it.
12/16/16 03:11AM
In addition, sorry for the double post but I have no idea how else anyone will know anything's changed, I was wondering if anyone her would be interested in helping me with ideas with how to proceed with this one part of the story I'm stuck on. If anyone's interested, I'd love to chat with them. I don't want to post it publicly because I'd like the story to largely remain a surprise until I post it, but I'd love to chat with anyone interested in helping via PM. Reply here if you're interested, or if you have any advice about the above post's question.

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