12/18/16 09:46AM
Hypnohub writing prompt: ace attorney breakdown.
So i was discussing pheonix wright with Lord_Derik, specifically our favorite culprit breakdowns. and i thought: "wouldnt it be fun to imagine what the Breakdowns of Hypnohubs famous characters would be like?" so here's my challenge to you, Pick a character, and write what you think their breakdown would be like

bonus points for dialogue
12/18/16 11:34AM
Hmm... Well, a breakdown is a bad thing in the games, as it's when they finally crack, correct?

An easy one would be Awake-san as she would finally give in to the alluring power of hypnosis.
12/18/16 12:01PM
averageguy17 said:
Hmm... Well, a breakdown is a bad thing in the games, as it's when they finally crack, correct?

An easy one would be Awake-san as she would finally give in to the alluring power of hypnosis.

breakdown is when the culprit realizes they cant weasel their way out of their situation, and they promptly respond by FLIPPING THE FUCK OUT, their personality traits going into overdrive

so for awake-san the accurate thing would be her doing godots coffeemug throw, turned up to eleven where she's throwing cups of joe at everyone, screaming anti-hypnosis propaganda
12/18/16 12:13PM
skullman2033 said:
breakdown is when the culprit realizes they cant weasel their way out of their situation, and they promptly respond by FLIPPING THE FUCK OUT, their personality traits going into overdrive

so for awake-san the accurate thing would be her doing godots coffeemug throw, BUT THROWING CUPS AT EVERYONE WHILE SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER

I could see Awake-san doing that, while a mass of alarm clocks go off around her.

Edge-kun, I think his glasses would explode, than he'd keep trying to replace them only for each new pair to explode. Eventually, he'd collapse on the ground in anguish. Like Kill Norton from Law of Ueki.

With Hypno-tan... I'd say a spiral would form behind, only to then turn into a spring as she head starts smoking.
12/18/16 12:26PM
not gonna lie...i wanna see kaalin have a breakdown, it would be awesome to see her flip out, and i dont think anyone but her actual creator could do it justice. dialoguewise atleast
12/18/16 12:36PM
Ohhhh nice idea! Wait, I drew an AA Betty years ago. No breakdown but some court sprites.

Found it!! Here it is
12/18/16 01:11PM
skullman2033 said:
not gonna lie...i wanna see kaalin have a breakdown, it would be awesome to see her flip out, and i dont think anyone but her actual creator could do it justice. dialoguewise atleast

Well uh, she actually DOES have a freakout mode. We just haven't seen it in art form yet.
12/18/16 01:13PM
Pinkanator said:
Well uh, she actually DOES have a freakout mode. We just haven't seen it in art form yet.

12/18/16 01:16PM
Psi said:
Ohhhh nice idea! Wait, I drew an AA Betty years ago. No breakdown but some court sprites.

Found it!! Here it is

Oh no that's actually really cute though??
12/18/16 01:39PM
skullman2033 said:

Yep. Go read the original story, you frauuuuud.
12/18/16 02:53PM
Pinkanator said:
Yep. Go read the original story, you frauuuuud.

oh....oh me oh my that's scary, though i think that part of her has been flanderized out at this point
12/18/16 07:40PM
me, id let loose my rage (i have anger issues), and id just go all tasmanian devil, and then the courtroom would be in ruins.
12/18/16 10:04PM
Okay guys, hear me out here:

Prosecutor Mrs. Erickson
12/18/16 10:24PM
ShadowSeraphim said:
Okay guys, hear me out here:

Prosecutor Mrs. Erickson
12/18/16 11:51PM
crazyman said:
me, id let loose my rage (i have anger issues), and id just go all tasmanian devil, and then the courtroom would be in ruins.

and then spontaniously left as if nothing had happened after you'r done
1 23>>>

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