12/18/16 10:55AM
What is your preferred method of self stimulation? (How do you personally masturbate)
A topic you could probably only ask on a porn site without getting some really weird cyberlooks. With classy title.
12/18/16 11:30AM
jacethenewguy said:
A topic you could probably only ask on a porn site without getting some really weird cyberlooks. With classy title.

Simple enough. I personally do it fully clothed, without using my hands. Cause I've tried the normal way and my brain doesn't seem to like it.

How does that work, exactly? Do you have a pole you rub against or something?

Me personally, well, i.imgur.com/B4eRfXY.gif (it's Spongebob, don't you worry) and then the normal back-and-forth. I usually wrap my sheets around me so just my hips stick out, else it gets too warm.
12/18/16 12:04PM
Me, I'm not even sure I know how to masturbate. It's not like I could just ask someone for advise on it...
12/18/16 03:02PM
I use a men's vibrating razor with the razor top taken off to massage my clit. It actually works incredibly well.
12/18/16 04:32PM
My favorite method is putting a glove/condom around my shaft, putting it between two couch cushions and thrusting. Either until my hips give out or I cum.
12/18/16 04:49PM
jacethenewguy said:
Simple enough. I personally do it fully clothed, without using my hands. Cause I've tried the normal way and my brain doesn't seem to like it.

12/18/16 05:36PM
My method is pretty mundane, to be honest.

See, I've got this friend named Sally Palmer, and she's got 5 slender friends of her own. Whenever I'm feeling needy, Sally and her friends all work together to allow me to achieve my sweet release.

In simpler terms, it's the basic chicken choker formation.
12/18/16 09:50PM
jacethenewguy said:
Simple enough. I personally do it fully clothed, without using my hands

LillyTank said:


12/18/16 10:56PM
I just latch my fingers to various locations and have a metaphorical seizure until semen comes out.
12/19/16 12:41AM
Zhingouz said:
How does that work, exactly? Do you have a pole you rub against or something?

A bed actually. Though I guess technically it's the underwear or shorts that's in contact.
12/19/16 12:42AM
I usually tend to dry hump the bed, sometimes I use my imagination or use a picture for extra stimuli
12/19/16 01:28AM
jacethenewguy said:
A bed actually. Though I guess technically it's the underwear or shorts that's in contact.

Ah, I see! You must get sick carpet burns when it gets good xD
12/19/16 01:31AM
I have to say I'm kind of disappointed with this over all I was expecting a few kinkier answers when I saw this.

Not that i do anything special.
12/19/16 02:50AM
Fully clothed, and by touching my balls.
12/19/16 03:16AM
What I like to do is play with my penis while laying on my bed stomach facing the bed. This feels weird talking about how we masturbate man. But hey, getting to know people? *Shrugs*
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