12/19/16 04:55AM
How do you usually size your images?
So I've posted a few images on here, and I've had trouble figuring out the correct size for images. For example, I've made a comic that has 3 pages so far, but the 3rd page appears to show up smaller than the first 2 pages.

For comparison, Page 2 of my comic ( )
is 1900 x 2700 while
Page 3 ( is 2000 x 3400

I'm not sure if the third page is too big or whatever, but I've never really figured out how that works, so any advice is appreciated!

I apologize in advance if I needed to ask this question on a specific thread; I looked around but didn't manage to find any relevant threads. Please lock it if that's the case and I'll post this on the correct thread.
12/19/16 07:46AM
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking - do you want to know how I determine the resolution I use to post my art, or are you asking how to keep your comic pages consistent size?
12/19/16 08:59AM
Yuu-chan said:
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking - do you want to know how I determine the resolution I use to post my art, or are you asking how to keep your comic pages consistent size?

Oh sorry, I meant determining the resolution you use to post art.
12/19/16 12:03PM
Generally, it depends on the level of detail. Higher quality pics with more polish and details I save at something like 1920px, simpler but finished works at about 1600px, and rougher/sketch work about 1200px. I generally don't like going lower than 1200px because I like people being able to zoom in up close, and I don't go higher than 1920px to keep the filesize from getting too large.
12/19/16 07:42PM
Yuu-chan said:
Generally, it depends on the level of detail. Higher quality pics with more polish and details I save at something like 1920px, simpler but finished works at about 1600px, and rougher/sketch work about 1200px. I generally don't like going lower than 1200px because I like people being able to zoom in up close, and I don't go higher than 1920px to keep the filesize from getting too large.

That makes sense. Thanks!

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