12/19/16 10:08PM
General OC musings and questions
So I've been off and on pondering some things for a bit and I figured I'd see what other people thought.

Like, obviously there's a whole slew of OCs bobbing around here. I feel like a lot of the more popular ones are the property of competent artists who can push out images of their own character to establish a fanbase, but that's not the case for all of them. Also can't really say quantity is ENTIRELY related to how well received some characters are/aren't, either, so yeah...

What has me curious is overall, what do we feel makes for a good hypno OC? I suspect the qualities needed differ depending on if they're a sub or dom, and I think it'd be interesting to see what people think.

[Like, I'm personally mindful of the fact that Ara is visually nondescript and doesn't really boast any feature or gimmick to grab appeal. I mostly draw for my own gratification though and have to say she's garnered a pretty respectable number of images from other artists all things considered?]

[Though on that note I feel like it might be a bit easier to have a dom stand out via specific methods of hypnosis and suchlike? which isn't so much a route available to making a distinct sub character? Maybe?]

So yeah, what makes for a good OC, and/or who do we think some of the more popular ones about are, why do they work and any other OC related thoughts anybody might have.

12/19/16 10:53PM
Interesting // "good" OC's, at least on this site, should have at least some notable features and traits about them and their character. Even if the pics don't have any connection to one-another, I figure that for what exposure we have of such characters, there's a way to connect em together. This all comes down to meaningful choices, despite them not always being something we truly think about.

For example, in the case of Erika and Naomi, both of them seem like two popular femsub girls with just multi-colored hair as their only standout feature. Nothing more, nothing less on the surface. However, I've come to further develop the characters through what pics we have of them in my mind:

Erika tending to be either <<|super crazy for hypnosis>> and <<|never shies away from any situations where she'd be easily susceptible>>, or at least has some standards for <<|who and/or what exactly is trying to control her at a given time>>. Outside of that, she's always got <<|some of her close pals there for her>>, as well as <<|some doms that always love having her as their favorite sub>>.

Naomi, on the other hand, tends to be <<|bit of a goofball>>, especially when you think about how she's got <<|a giant octopus for a pet>>... (I aint hatin', I think it's awesome, haha). Like Erika, her "curiosity" tends to get her into <<|all sorts of situations>> that involve hypnosis she's just as easily susceptible to.

Anyway, I think an important aspect to take into consideration is that a character doesn't need extent background to really define them; rather, their personalities need to do just that, when you put them in any given situation, or have them interact with any given characters. Mrs. Erickson meets Erika? Obviously, she teaches her how to be <<|"a good student">>. Someone asks Ara if she likes eggs? Puns are made, and <<|relationships are almost destroyed in the process>> (very typical, I can confirm). <<|There's something serious going on that Inma's watching from afar?>> Who cares, <<|it's hot as fuck!>>
12/19/16 11:05PM
Collar I know you can't possibly be implying you don't absolutely love getting flooded with puns. [Good point for sure on Inma, her reactions are rather relateable :3c]
12/19/16 11:49PM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Interesting // "good" OC's, at least on this site, should have at least some notable features and traits about them and their character. Even if the pics don't have any connection to one-another, I figure that for what exposure we have of such characters, there's a way to connect em together. This all comes down to meaningful choices, despite them not always being something we truly think about.

Pretty much this.

A point of distinction that I think needs to be made is that most, if not all, OCs that have gotten popular not only have certain aesthetic points of appeal or traits that make them appealing, but they also have a period of time where they had either exposure over a set period of time, a big break, or something uniquely appealing early in their days on HH. I think a good example of the first and last of the above is Crystal and Mrs. Erickson.

One of the unique things about Crystal and Erickson is that Zko does his own writing alongside of his art, so he's not only building them up aesthetically, but through dialogue and storyboarding in his work. Most of the other popular OCs outside of those in Myuk's World of Hypnos don't really follow this model. For Crystal, it took some time before Skypenotized really took off (I think it was a few months, but I could be off on my time estimate, and it wouldn't be the first time).

Once Skypenotized was established as a popular series on HH (and probably its first series :P), Zko brought in more characters. All of them were enjoyable, but none of them really took off like Crystal/Aima until Mrs. Erickson came around, and she became just as popular a character as Crystal did in that series. So Erickson had a big break of sorts, both due to her appeal as a character, and due to appearing in a series with a popular HH character/OC.

Also, yeah, memes stemming from character interactions tend to be a good gauge of how popular a character is. Case in point, Dazy's hand always being near her mouth like an ojou-sama. :P

"Ara-ara~" "Ohohohohohohohohoho~"
12/26/16 05:01PM
For me, I just try to create likable characters with relatable traits or features to them. Also, I'd like them to grow as characters too. Of course, you need to make them aesthetically pleasing because yes, people tend to go for the cute ones :P

But also, I want it to be in this way where you want to friends with these characters. People you can speak and be friends with and also, you know, hypnotize or be hypnotized by :3

I dont want to create characters just for the sake of being cute to hypnotize, but at the same, i want ocs where we care about them

I dunno, I just like interesting and likable characters, unless you know, they have to be hated for the plot lol *cough* sasha *cough*

Btw im not bashing ocs that might not fit this criteria. I love all the ocs on this site anyways. I just have a dumb preference

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