12/24/16 09:21PM
A Pokemongirl Christmas Song
Well I recorded this last night for everyone!


Lyrics by the wonderful StepfordCrimson.
Everyone have a Merry Christmas!
12/24/16 11:30PM
Adorable. Great work and Merry Christmas!
12/24/16 11:46PM
Sorry, but the forced whisper made it difficult to listen too.
12/25/16 01:31AM
That *sigh* at the end was a bit concerning~ =3=
12/25/16 01:35AM
I'll have to listen later on headphones. Bit busy with doing stuff for family Christmas outings.
12/25/16 02:38AM
Nice. Merry Christmas ;)
12/25/16 05:11AM
Merry christmas...whatever.
12/25/16 07:43AM
Merry Christmas, and gave the song a second listen, it's equal parts adorable and sexy~

...though the whisper did make it a bit difficult to listen to, in places (not too much of a minus, still loved it)
12/25/16 10:37AM
Finally got around to listening to it. Step's writing was quite enjoyable; equal parts cute and sexy, much like your voice. XD

12/25/16 11:56AM
Oh my, I was blushing so hard I could not listen to the whole song in one go. You are amazing, Pokemongirl ^^
12/25/16 12:04PM
It's a really nice song. Also Merry Christmas to everyone on the hub!
12/26/16 05:04AM
Well, let's be real, I was going to say that it was great regardless...but that really was a treat! Clever and sexy lyrics, and your adorable pipes deliver as always. A thousand well-placed candy canes for both you and Stepford, you both earned it ;-)

And were I a man of means, your Christmas present would've been your very own *completely* soundproof recording studio (with an extra-large and comfy bed built right in, of course).
12/26/16 11:36PM
Thanks everyone for all the well wishes and that you all had a wonderful Christmas! : )
12/28/16 12:28AM
pokemongirl said:
Thanks everyone for all the well wishes and that you all had a wonderful Christmas! : )

I think you definitely, very much know how to get me going.

Your breathy, whispery, voice and sexy mouth noises REALLY hit the spot for me. hee hee ^_^ I loved to listen to the end of that, over and over again. You almost kinda sounded like you were playing with yourself at the end there, when you trailed off and just sorta went into the breathy sighs, which was just the most adorable thing.

12/28/16 01:15AM
Well congrats, you finally broke me, had to make an account and stop lurking to give you a thank you XD

Good job, much hot many wow ><
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