12/25/16 06:01PM
VR Hypnotic Spiral videos?
I got a VR headset for Christmas! Now I can finally be hypnotized via headset! Does anyone know of any VR hypnosis spirals I can stare at??
12/25/16 06:06PM
Not got any experience with VR stuff, would any regular spiral things work nicely with a headset as it is? :0c

If so I'd suggest poking around with and seeing what happens?
12/25/16 06:13PM
i got one too, but i cant use it DX
12/28/16 01:50PM
Defcon7 said:
I got a VR headset for Christmas! Now I can finally be hypnotized via headset! Does anyone know of any VR hypnosis spirals I can stare at??

Honestly, there's probably something on youtube of spirals using that "360 degree video" thing that happens to be VR compatible.
12/30/16 12:31AM
Anon_3.141 said:
Honestly, there's probably something on youtube of spirals using that "360 degree video" thing that happens to be VR compatible.

Oooh, oooh! This!
A three dimensional spiral would certainly feel a lot more immersive. I imagine it would make the sensation of being pulled in that much more real
12/30/16 01:46AM
IttyBit said:
Oooh, oooh! This!
A three dimensional spiral would certainly feel a lot more immersive. I imagine it would make the sensation of being pulled in that much more real

i checked. there's nothing on youtube meant specifically for hypnosis
12/30/16 01:47AM
Defcon7 said:
I got a VR headset for Christmas! Now I can finally be hypnotized via headset! Does anyone know of any VR hypnosis spirals I can stare at??

can it hook up to youtube? like is it just a headset you can put your phone in or is it something like the vive or oculus? because if it's the latter then i cant help you
12/30/16 05:43PM
skullman2033 said:
can it hook up to youtube? like is it just a headset you can put your phone in or is it something like the vive or oculus? because if it's the latter then i cant help you

If I remember correctly, there's an external program that monitors the orientation tracking data from the head set, and translates that into shifting around the Youtube 360 thing. As long as it's a headset that you can browse the internet through, it should work fine... Now if only I can get my brain to remember what the name of the external program was. I'll edit this reply if I succeed in remembering if I'm correct in my previously stated "belief" (and if I am, what the name of the program is) before someone else figures out for me. If I'm remembering incorrectly, I'll edit it as such. If someone else says it for me, this remains unedited.

Though before I click "post" and go search for confirmation/refutation of my assumption, I want to point out that if Defcon's gotten the Samsung Headset, then they just need to use the youtube app and full screen a video of a hypnotic spiral. The headset puts the phone close enough to the face that it will create a faux-VR experience with the spiral imagery, as well as a faux-3D effect. Only problem there would be the motion sickness that's common with that particular headset.

Edit: Looks like it's actually a built in functionality with the Youtube app on smart phones, so here's to hoping that Defcon did in fact get one of the Samsung Headsets.
12/31/16 02:01AM
Anon_3.141 said:
Looks like it's actually a built in functionality with the Youtube app on smart phones, so here's to hoping that Defcon did in fact get one of the Samsung Headsets.


01/01/17 04:38PM
Defcon7 said:


Well, sad faces all around... As for alternatives: If you can browse the internet through it, just look up normal hypnotic spiral videos and watch them through the headset.

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