12/26/16 04:10AM
ComiPo Hypnosis Help?
Hey, long time lurker, first post on the forum. I recently picked up the ComiPo Manga Maker from the Steam Sale and wanna start making some hypno-comics. The problem? A seemingly complete lack of resources! Anyone wanna help a guy out to find some hypnosis/sexy themed assets for ComiPo?
12/26/16 04:20AM
Comipo is such a huuuge ripoff. The DLC prices are insane and there's almost no default content.
12/26/16 09:17AM
shadowbeowolf said:
Hey, long time lurker, first post on the forum. I recently picked up the ComiPo Manga Maker from the Steam Sale and wanna start making some hypno-comics. The problem? A seemingly complete lack of resources! Anyone wanna help a guy out to find some hypnosis/sexy themed assets for ComiPo?

And apparently the makers ban you if they find out you do anything matured with it. At least, so I've heard.

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