12/27/16 02:45PM
Tag: Gaslight or Gaslighting
Does such a tag or a similar one exist ? I can't seem to find it and was wondering if there might be some rules against it or something or maybe i just missed it
12/27/16 02:48PM
Just checking the tag list now to see if anything turns up. Considering the negative connotations though I wouldn't expect much.
12/29/16 02:37AM
Considering 9/10 Times hypnosis here is used for that and rape I'm shocked it's not common.
12/29/16 02:54AM
Zelinko said:
Considering 9/10 Times hypnosis here is used for that and rape I'm shocked it's not common.

Gee, and you didn't see the consensual romantic pool?
12/29/16 03:47AM
So what exactly do you mean by gaslighting? Can you think of any images already on here that would fit the tag? Because as a form of psychological abuse it's pretty subtle and not the kind of thing you'd usually be able to fit in a single image.
12/30/16 08:21PM
Gaslighting is a behavior where things change without you noticing and then someone else denies the changes ever happened. Essentially it's a technique to make someone question their own perception of reality.

Imagine you walk into your normal home and find your hat isn't where you thought you left it. Your normal assumption is that you just misremembered. Now imagine someone sneaks into your house and moves EVERYTHING without you present - your desk is an inch or two out of place. Your pens are in the wrong spot. Your clothes are rearranged. Nothing is bad, but everything is wrong.

Then you ask the gaslighter or someone involved about something they said or did and they deny it ever happened. Once a person starts to question their own perception of reality enough they'll be easier to manipulate.

I actually use it in my games to an extent. The backgrounds change without comment in-game in ways the player will only slowly notice.

Sticking to inks for Day 3 and later (since those aren't colored yet):

Gaslighting is best used as a background detail that makes the viewer of your hypnoporn question what they've already seen. Even if it only works for a moment it's great.
01/07/17 01:04PM
That's really cool Cypress_z. What game is that anyway? Did you make it?
01/07/17 07:08PM
alyssasowan said:
That's really cool Cypress_z. What game is that anyway? Did you make it?

It's my game, Snow Daze. Yes, I made it. The thread is here:



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