12/27/16 11:04PM
Your favorite hypnosis-related fetish?
Title says it all, for me it's probably a tie between belly dancers and happy trance.

Happy trance, because I find that people just saying "Yes master." And acting like robots feels very dull to me, I kind of want whoever is in submission to at least enjoy themselves
12/27/16 11:38PM
The tags I most commonly look through:

Brain Injection
Happy Trance
Heart Eyes

I absolutely love eye focus (Kaa eyes and spirals being common enough that I don't need to look through their tags) and a good expression on the face can get me to look past a lot of things I normally wouldn't care for. The transition from normal eyes to unusual ones is great, and I greatly enjoy seeing a smile creep up on someone's face.
12/27/16 11:47PM
Harem dancers/slaves
Heart eyes
Magic control
Tech control
Hypnotic accessories/clothing

I have more, but these are the big ones I tend to favor the most.
12/27/16 11:48PM
Corruption, Transformation. What gets me off about a lot of this is the thought of losing yourself completely and utterly, becoming nothing of what you were before.

Same reason i get off on Vore and Unbirth; complete surrender to another.

But i don't like guro or suffering (or BDSM for that matter, but BDSM is more "this doesn't turn me on" rather than outright disgust like guro), so Hard Vore is off the table for me.

This is why i wrote "Lost in Wonderland." It let me play with all of these tropes, and it's still my best work in X-rated writing, to my mind.
12/27/16 11:50PM
Ogodei-Khan said:
Corruption, Transformation. What gets me off about a lot of this is the thought of losing yourself completely and utterly, becoming nothing of what you were before.

Same reason i get off on Vore and Unbirth; complete surrender to another.

But i don't like guro or suffering (or BDSM for that matter, but BDSM is more "this doesn't turn me on" rather than outright disgust like guro), so Hard Vore is off the table for me.

This is why i wrote "Lost in Wonderland." It let me play with all of these tropes, and it's still my best work in X-rated writing, to my mind.

Lost in Wonderland was really good. ^^
12/27/16 11:52PM
Transformation is a big thing for me, just any kind of change to a persons body and mind.
12/28/16 12:04AM
I have a ton. Ones that come to mind immediately for me are....


1. Not being able to understand or know what they're doing, or being told to do, anymore, due to a complete lack of mental facilities. There's this weird grey area between what some people find creepy/disturbing, and I find to be innocent and adorable.

And that includes a lot of things like two mindless, hypnotized or sleepwalking characters sharing an intimate interaction with each other, even though they're mentally blind to it, possess no understanding of it, or just stare past each other with no recognition.

Especially if they're doing things like bumping into each other, touching each other, undressing or taking off each others clothes, feeling each other up whether by command or by accident, masturbating each other, and they either look right through the other person, or have a lobotomized, brainless, thousand yard stare off into the distance.

Bonus points for things like moaning into each other's mouth, with their quivering lips just inches away from each other, ect ect.


2. A side-related thing to #1... This causing these things to happen even though it's inherently "wrong" or "messed up", but still can look really adorable and cute, even though it's a taboo they're effortlessly breaking just by having no concept of what's going on around them or who each other is. ...most notably applicable if the two or more in question are something like siblings, or even mother and son or daughter, ect. Stuff like that.

A 14 year old boy having no idea that the figure he's somehow drawn to and compelled to hump is his own mother, with her underwear halfway down her thighs... or a sister curiously playing with her brothers penis like a toy, or licking and sucking on it with little concept of what it even is, other than she likes it for some reason.. probably due to some primal, sexual instinct she has, even if she cannot recognize him as a sibling anymore, other than just another human body (at best).

It's hard to say why this is so hot, but I think it primarily comes from just the total effectiveness of the trance, or the mindlessness, or even the total lack of reason, common sense, or even amnesia going on with being such a mind-blanked, mush for brains zombie. This lack of logical process is weirdly interesting, because taboos only exist as long as the mind understand them as a taboo. Take that away, and any sexual urge is just as satisfying as any other one, even if it's instinct, accidental, or primal.


3. Vulnerability, silliness, and self-embarrassment. A lot of this comes from me having a thing for cartoony tropes and just how cute silliness sometimes bleeds into sexiness for me. Especially if it's making them look totally ridiculous. It's why I like cartoon characters suddenly acting bizarre and blatantly stereotypical like a zombie-walk, and conventional mantras, like the standard "You command, I obey" and other ones like it.

This one is just ingrained in me as a huge fan of animation, cartoons, anime, ect, and being the thing that got me into this in the first place. Thus I still, to this day, like all of the stereotypical hypno-zombie stuff, in all it's different forms, from dazed, eyes-half-closed, wobbly and dizzy... to the stiff, marching, robotic mantras. I would love watching a group of cute cartoon girls in nightgowns backlight from behind, marching around together precariously on a construction site, or being under the influence of an evil villain with mind-control plans, that they must obey like any good Saturday Morning Cartoon mind control victim should. heh heh.


3b. I was gonna list this as 4, since it bleeds into the realm of one of my biggest, actual NON-Hypnosis fetishes, but I like blending the two together whenever I think about it, and it also fits in with the "embarrassment" theme, but this is still a big one for me: Underwear.

I have a serious underwear fetish and it's hard to tell with me whether I love it as much or more than hypnosis, honestly. But hey, it's fine, since I combine the two perfectly I think, anyway. Love embarrassment and exhibitionism with no filter.

So 9 times out of 10, whenever I picture ANYONE hypnotized, I like to think of them being so while stripped down to their underwear. Embarrassment is sexy, and the blushy, naked-feeling vulnerability of being stripped down to your underwear is super hot. I like it when hypnosis isn't involved, but I also like it when it is. Girl walking around clear as day in a totally inappropriate setting, like wandering up and down the aisles of a department store in cutesy, frilly lavender, silky panties, has gotta be great to see.. even to do. hehe. I know i'd like to be hypnotized to do it. Maybe I'd like to have a little bit of awareness, so I can feel properly embarrassed, but yeah, I'd get a kick out of this myself, to be honest.


4. All of the sexy verbal things that could come from it. Mantras or having a mind-slave fed embarrassing things that sound humiliating when repeated back like a dumb little parrot, like.. "Must be a cutie little slut in my teeny tiny, frilly little panties for my master to look at me", kind of things.

Also, any kind of sound or noise I like in their own way. Droning, zombie-moans, stuttering, stammering, long, dreamy drawn out sighs, perky, overly cutesy, robotic happy chanting, or even just a steady stream of babbling nonsense words that make no sense... All of these reflect different and great types of altered mental states for someone to be adorably hypnotized to do.

These are all my personal favorites, but sometimes i'm in the mood for something else. It's by no means all i'm into, but it makes up a lot of it. I'm sometimes into body control while deep inside, their consciousness can see, hear, and feel everything, because it feeds my embarrassment fetish really nicely.


Sometimes I like tech control, or the treating of a mind like a PC or a hard drive of sorts, that can be programmed or formatted.... I love anything that even makes a cute character dizzy, or a mind-altered state like tripping, drugged out, or just unnaturally horny.... I love the epidemic-like idea of something out of the blue like radio waves turn an entire population into zombies all at the same time, and them all becoming stumbling vegetables in a group.... music that makes them all follow the leader, Pied-Piper style.... a series of clones of clones or copies of copies that progressively get dumber and less stable with each generational downgrade.... massive waves of amnesia so strong they even erase basic intelligence, and common sense concepts (the first few moments of an anime called "A Wind Named Amnesia" ended up being a turn-on for me, if by mere concept alone)... ect ect.

Yeah, I think this is all rather safe to say, unless there's anything else i'm forgetting that I personally like.
12/28/16 12:31AM
I have a very broad range of what I'm interested in when it in comes to hypnosis, so it's easier to say my one massive turn-off: consensual hypnosis. The slightest hint of the sub consenting to it and I'm out. It has to be, completely and explicitly, non-consensual for me to like it. It goes without saying that this also entirely excludes attempts to make the hypnosis ""realistic"".
12/28/16 12:54AM
Futanari, transformation into futas.
Tech control, tech bondage.
Corruption :3
"Betrayal" of friends to convert them.
12/28/16 12:58AM
Psi said:
Futanari, transformation into futas.
Tech control, tech bondage.
Corruption :3
"Betrayal" of friends to convert them.

12/28/16 01:25AM
Tech Control
Spiral Eyes
Happy Trance
Dog Girl

I like a lot of things.
12/28/16 01:26AM
Motor Mania.
Age Regression.
Happy Trance.
When the sub pulls silly faces with their eyes crossed and tongues out. (can't think of a tag for that)

Basically anything weird, silly and cute.
12/28/16 01:32AM
Sleepyhead97 said:
When the sub pulls silly faces with their eyes crossed and tongues out. (can't think of a tag for that)

12/28/16 01:39AM
I don't really have a lot of specific tastes with regards to this stuff, but I did once spout a spate of stuff about mirrors, because they have so many good applications yet don't get nearly enough love.
12/28/16 01:40AM
JksAccount said:
I don't really have a lot of specific tastes with regards to this stuff, but I did once spout a spate of stuff about mirrors, because they have so many good applications yet don't get nearly enough love.

Mirrors freak me out to much to find them sexy.
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