12/29/16 07:10AM
I'm sorry
I'd like to say that I apologize profusely for causing an argument over on pic #43389 earlier today. I honestly didn't mean to and in the future I'll be more thoughtful before commenting.
12/29/16 03:40PM
You have nothing to apologize for. You made two comments in that shitstorm of a thread, and both of them were perfectly fine. Hell, even the image commissioner's original response to your comment was perfectly fine.

What got it all going crazy was when a couple of users decided to either attack you instead of your comment, or unfairly assume that you were taking some kind of political stance rather than just sharing a simple opinion.

When you put what you specifically had an issue with in quotation marks (in this case the word "fixed") and then people start complaining about something else entirely with only a cursory relation to what you said, then the issue is not your fault. It is the fault of people who are either looking for drama, or simply unable to read what is in front of them.

tl,dr: It wasn't your fault. People need to learn to respect and understand opinions contrary to their own.
12/30/16 03:28AM
It's really just one or two users telling people to stop being "triggered" by this shit, as that seems to be the equivalent of expressing mere displeasure for something within a harmless opinion (which was what you basically did). So please, don't apologize for other people's shitty attitudes. Ya did nothing wrong bud, people are stupid.

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