12/30/16 05:51PM
The Alchemist's Apprentice (CYOA)
The antechamber was crowded. Partly that was because it was a small room, made smaller by walls lined with bookshelves, but mostly because there were almost two dozen people stuffed into it. Most of us were standing, since there were only enough seats for five or six people. The room was well-lit but still felt stuffy between the dark wooden walls and the crowd.

Only two of the people in the room were men. I don't know why they even bothered to show up, considering there hasn't been a male Grand Alchemist in... ever. Then again I supposed we all had to be ambitious to be here in the first place.

There was little common ground to the women present, who between them represented every skin and hair tone common to Ocha. After watching the others for a while, for want of anything better to do, I realized they perhaps had one thing in common: they were all wearing their finest clothes. But those ranged from a simple blue cotton dress with a bit of lace around the collar - worn by a pretty young blonde with a remarkable chest - to an elegant creation of brocaded silk draped over the slender form of a dark-haired noble.

I supposed that was another commonality: everyone present was young. The oldest person in the room was perhaps twenty-five. Not that that was particularly surprising, considering what this group was assembled for.

The room was nearly silent, quiet enough that I could hear the faint hum of the electric lights. Occasionally there was the whisper of a girl near me turning the page of a massive tome she'd pulled off one of the shelves, or an actual whisper exchanged between a couple of girls.

Abruptly the silence was broken by the slight squeak of a hinge. Cloth and hair rustled as every girl in the room looked up towards the doorway.

An older woman, perhaps on the lower bounds of middle-age, entered. Her dark hair had a single streak of grey to it, but it was bound back in a strict bun that did her few favors. She wore a severe grey dress with a high collar and long sleeves, which made me think she must be suffering in the summer heat. Her face showed no sign of any discomfort as her eyes scanned the room.

"You," she said, sharp and sudden. One of her fingers was extended, pointing at me.

"I have a name," I complained, but started to walk towards her. "It's-"

"Don't care. Follow me."

I bit down on my automatic response and followed her. The rudeness rankled a bit, but complaining probably wouldn't look good for me.

The severe woman led me down a corridor of dull white stone, lined with door after door of heavy, dark wood. I wondered if there was a room full of girls waiting behind every one. After we'd passed enough doors that I lost count, we stopped by a door that looked like any of the others. My guide opened it and gestured for me to go inside; I did.

The room inside looked superficially like the one I'd been waiting in. Dark wooden walls lined with overstuffed bookshelves, an elaborate light fixture. But where the other room had been filled with young women waiting anxiously, this one was dominated by a heavy wooden desk with a leather-seated chair behind it.

Behind the desk sat probably the second-most recognizable woman in the country, after the Queen. Considering the Queen had her face on money, it was hard to top her in that field.

Sophia Flamel was not a beautiful woman. Her features were too soft, almost childish, for that. Rather, most people would call her 'cute', or a 'girl next door'. Her dark hair was cut so that it just barely hung above her shoulders, with a soft curl to it that only became visible toward the end of that length. She was wearing a white blouse with pearl-coloured buttons. It was entirely possible they actually were made from pearl, considering her station.

The door closed behind me with a muffled thud, jarring me out of my thoughts - which were mostly going in circles involving distress at being in the same room as the second-most powerful woman in the country. Or, depending on who you asked, the most powerful.

Sophia's lips had a slight quirk to them that made me think she knew what I was thinking, and was amused by it.

"Hello," she said. I managed to reply in kind. "I suspect I don't need to introduce myself. So, girl, let's get right to the point: who are you? And, furthermore, why should I take you on as an apprentice?"

Poll 1: background:

Poll 2: talent: (see next post for details)

Poll 3: motivation:

Poll 4: name. Post in the thread with a suggestion!
12/30/16 05:51PM

Out of character:

This'll be a lesbian-oriented game, with switch content, either dom or sub depending on choices made. Or both! Probably both. Most updates will only have one or two votes, this first part is a special case for ~character creation~. It may be a while to reach anything particularly erotic, especially any kind of hard-core mind-controlly stuff. I'm aiming for more 'plot with porn' than the other way around. Do people still use PWP? I feel old.

I'm very open to write-in suggestions. If they're popular enough and/or I like them I may rerun a poll or just go with the write-in choice outright.

Some notes on character creation. All of the choices will have some impact on the overall 'difficulty' of the game, but our talent has the biggest weight in that regard. 'Perfect memory' is a photographic/eidetic memory, the ability to perfectly recall anything after seeing it once. It's quiet compared to the other talents but it'll be pretty powerful in several of the events I have planned; I'd recommend voting for it if you want to see a underdog character who succeeds (or fails, but in a sexy way) through hard work, cleverness, and determination.

Psionics, meanwhile, is a supernatural ability to interact with other people's minds, and I expect it to be the winning choice considering the audience. In this setting it's a well-known ability possessed by a significant percentage of the population, and can be defended against in several ways. In other words it's not any sort of instant-win button, but it's a powerful tool if we make wise choices.

'Magic' is the Special Snowflake option. It's 'person in a pointy hat casting fireball' style magic, and extremely rare in this setting, especially among humans. If you want to see our heroine (eventually) Charm Person'ing people into mindless thralls, this is the choice for you.
12/30/16 10:22PM
This sounds like it'll be a ton of fun, and I still use PWP....It's mostly what I write.

But anyways for the name I'm saying Melissa, just cause it's a name that I like. And on one last note I'm super excited to see CYOA's get more popular here.
12/30/16 10:27PM
how about Katherine?
also another motivation could be that she has some unknown curse put upon her, and she is trying to do anything to remove it
12/30/16 11:27PM
Merchants? :(
12/31/16 12:03AM
Hmm... the ability to memorize formulas after just a glance would be pretty powerful for an alchemist (especially for a clever one)

Anyhow, for a name, I'm putting out Alexandra.
12/31/16 12:17AM
Since our mentor is named after a famous real-world alchemist, I've been thinking of meaningful names for her. How about Tessa Ostanes -- Tessa from quintessence, the fifth element (also known as aether), what stars are thought to be made of, and Ostanes from a supposed early alchemist and sorceror.
12/31/16 12:22AM
I'm gonna say Fiona. [Fictional cookie to anyone who guesses why]
12/31/16 02:05AM
Another CYOA? Splendid. Time to bring rational but likely ultimately poor reasoning to the field.

And as a name, how about Cassandra Fresco? Lookidon'tknowitwasthefirstthingthatcameintomyhead.
12/31/16 04:02AM
Imasuky said:
This sounds like it'll be a ton of fun, and I still use PWP....It's mostly what I write.

That's partially why I'm going the other direction, I figure you've got the market locked down pretty well. Mostly it's my preference though :v

Nazwa said:
Merchants? :(

Lol my expectations for how the polls would turn out are getting owned. Drag out the guillotines, nobility got a single pity vote.

Abraxis said:
Since our mentor is named after a famous real-world alchemist, I've been thinking of meaningful names for her. How about Tessa Ostanes -- Tessa from quintessence, the fifth element (also known as aether), what stars are thought to be made of, and Ostanes from a supposed early alchemist and sorceror.

dang this is a good post. Just wanted to say. Little surprised somebody caught Flamel this fast, though apparently he got namedropped in Harry Potter so I shouldn't be.
12/31/16 04:38AM
Alien said:
That's partially why I'm going the other direction, I figure you've got the market locked down pretty well. Mostly it's my preference though :v

Lol my expectations for how the polls would turn out are getting owned. Drag out the guillotines, nobility got a single pity vote.

dang this is a good post. Just wanted to say. Little surprised somebody caught Flamel this fast, though apparently he got namedropped in Harry Potter so I shouldn't be.

I'm glad for it, I love just quick dumb porn but a good deep plot is hard to beat and it looks like you've got one in mind already.

And as for the name Flamel I knew it well just saw no need to say anything.
01/01/17 08:49AM
Imasuky said:
And as for the name Flamel I knew it well just saw no need to say anything.

Hypnohub, more like... alchemy facts hub...

It's been like 36 hours and we've got pretty clear winners so I'm calling the votes, we're from a family of alchemists that taught us to love the art and we've also got a super-perfect memory. So uh we basically auto-win any academic challenges.

Completely unrelatedly, I watched The Handmaiden and it's a great movie. I went in knowing basically nothing except that it involved lesbians and great camerawork and I'd recommend doing the same. Also Kim Min-Hee is ludicrously gorgeous. But there's explicit sex scenes so you proooobably shouldn't watch it in mixed company.
01/01/17 09:05AM
Alien said:
Hypnohub, more like... alchemy facts hub...

It's been like 36 hours and we've got pretty clear winners so I'm calling the votes, we're from a family of alchemists that taught us to love the art and we've also got a super-perfect memory. So uh we basically auto-win any academic challenges.

Completely unrelatedly, I watched The Handmaiden and it's a great movie. I went in knowing basically nothing except that it involved lesbians and great camerawork and I'd recommend doing the same. Also Kim Min-Hee is ludicrously gorgeous. But there's explicit sex scenes so you proooobably shouldn't watch it in mixed company.

I should watch that but a series I can recommend that I have watchted are the Eko eko azarak movies saying anything about them would ruin them. But only watch the first and third movies.
01/01/17 10:52AM
If you liked The Handmaid, try the book it was based on -- Fingersmith, by Sarah Waters. Same basic plot, to start with at least, but set in Victorian England instead of occupied Korea. And the second act will have some surprises to throw at you based on your movie knowledge, while the third act is totally different. It's one of my favorite books.
01/03/17 04:33PM
Abraxis said:
If you liked The Handmaid, try the book it was based on -- Fingersmith, by Sarah Waters. Same basic plot, to start with at least, but set in Victorian England instead of occupied Korea. And the second act will have some surprises to throw at you based on your movie knowledge, while the third act is totally different. It's one of my favorite books.

Just read it while getting some distance to edit the next update. It's good but I liked the movie more, not sure how much of that is saw-first-biasing.

Anyway update 2 coming Soon (TM)
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