01/01/17 08:30AM
What's Your New Years Resolution?
What's your New Years resolution?

Mine is to learn how to draw anime on a professional level and to make Saimin Booru more popular.
01/01/17 09:00AM
LillyTank said:
What's your New Years resolution?

Mine is to learn how to draw anime on a professional level and to make Saimin Booru more popular.

Draw a comic thingy.
Make an OC.
Get better at drawing.
Figure out a good price to charge for commissions... cuz I like money... but I don't wanna seem greedy, or too full of myself.
Get plat+ on sfv... unlikely, cuz I've got the reaction speeds of a half dead sloth.
Be less nervous around people (Big problem).
Make better grades.
Get a job?
Financially secure my future?

Although, I guess this is less of a resolution, and more of a big checklist of things I wanna accomplish. It must be very satisfying to actually achieve all of them... or any of them...
01/01/17 09:15AM
LillyTank said:
Mine is to learn how to draw anime on a professional level and to make Saimin Booru more popular.

I think it's a bit tough to really pull that first one off (like seriously, takes years and lotta patience to truly pull off), but hey, we'll support ya like we do with most people here. Just please, throw at us what ya can, and if ya got the diligence to keep working on it, we'll see where you can go from there onward. And hey, even if Saimin Booru isn't packed, a nice niche community's always appreciated. Like the art, both take time to grow.

LillyTank said:
What's your New Years resolution?

Possibly spend less time on the Hub to be honest. I check the site way too often, and sometimes make some comments that have me getting involved in dumb spats. I just wanna get along with people, enjoy the art/porn, be more pleasant.

Outside that, need to do more projects, especially stuff to show off in my portfolio. I really shouldn't blow it this year... :/

But hey, buncha ya are great people I get to talk + interact with. Here's hoping for some more wacky misadventures with you all in 2017! :3
01/01/17 09:20AM
Write more simple
01/01/17 10:50AM
To be more politically active. 2016 was an awful year on the political stage, and now it's time to try to mitigate the damage. I don't know how much I can do, but doing even a little something is better than doing nothing.
01/01/17 12:13PM
I think I sorta reached my last year's resolution which was too improve my drawing and animating skills. This year my resolution remains the same, just keep on improving. I hope I will have a chance to post some of my works to the hub this year.
01/01/17 01:06PM
To be more politically active. 2016 was a wonderful year on the political stage, and now it's time to keep the ball rolling. I don't know how much I can do, but doing even a little something is better than doing nothing.

On a more serious note, probably to start contributing to the hub's content with more than mere manips. I'm not really in the habit of cementing life goals on new year's, so something like that is just right for me.
01/01/17 01:19PM
Develop a work ethic that is better than "Oh there's this thing I really need to do." "Actually, lets just not do it."

Also, make sure the cactus I got for Christmas doesn't die.
01/01/17 01:30PM
Is it a resolution if you've already started it? I'm going to keep going to the gym. It's in my office I have no decent excuse not to

Last year my resolution was to release a game and I ended up releasing 3. So this year I should aim to release 4! (Hahaha. No)
01/01/17 02:30PM
Be less forgiving towards my trash brother
01/01/17 02:51PM
I'm going to eat darker chocolate, read less news, and put more spending on my credit card.
01/01/17 03:29PM
JksAccount said:
Also, make sure the cactus I got for Christmas doesn't die.

Cacti are cool
01/01/17 03:34PM
DisasterDan said:
Cacti are cool

It has a Christmas hat, a moustache and googly eyes.
01/01/17 03:44PM
My New Year's resolutions are always a bust anyway. So this year, my New Year's resolution is to not stick to my New Year's resolution. Paradox!
01/01/17 03:49PM
JksAccount said:
It has a Christmas hat, a moustache and googly eyes.

That's a lot cooler than I expected. You should give it a name.
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